Accessibility Resource Center

Joseph B. Oxendine Administrative Building
Joseph B. Oxendine Administrative Building
ARC Logo with Old Main & Sun

The mission of the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) is twofold: to assist students with disabilities in qualifying for and implementing academic accommodations, so that they may independently strive for academic excellence; and to assist UNCP administration, faculty and staff in creating an accepting and accessible campus community. In keeping with UNCP’s core value of the appreciation of diversity and respect for the dignity and worth of every individual, the staff at the ARC strives to honor both abilities and disabilities as components of the human experience.

For more information about Accessibility Resource Center, call 910.521.6695 or email Accessibility Resource Center is located in Oxendine Administrative Building, Room 110.

What's Happening With ARC?

All information contained within this website can be provided in alternative formats upon request by contacting Accessibility Resource Center.

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