
COMPASS Scholarship Program

Watch this video to learn more about the COMPASS2 program 

This video was featured at the 2021 STEM for All Video Showcase






The COMPASS2 program has already enrolled three cohorts and is not recruiting anymore students for this cycle

Scholarship overview

The main goal of the COMPASS Scholarship Program at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke is to attract academically talented students who have demonstrated unmet financial need, including underrepresented minorities (URM) and first-generation students, like Biology, Environmental Science, and Chemistry majors and provide them financial assistance. The award will provide 30 students (3 cohorts of 10) with an average of $6000.00/year ($3000.00 per semester) from their freshman year until graduation, all while preparing them for the STEM workforce or graduate/masters programs.

The program was established by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to address the need to increase the number of graduates in the STEM fields substantially.


  • $6000/year need-based scholarship
  • Mentoring one-on-one by Biology and Chemistry faculty
  • Career advice and preparation
  • Professional Development
  • Math & Chemistry Boot Camps
  • Tutoring/study halls
  • Research stipends ($3,000/year up to 4 students; $2,000/summer up to 3 students)
  • Travel to conferences
  • Science seminars
  • Annual Retreat and other social activities
Table-cohorts structure
  Y2020-2021 Y2021-2022 Y2022-2023 Y2023-2024 Y2024-2025
Cohort I Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior  
Cohort II   Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Cohort III*     Freshman Sophomore Junior

*Cohort III students will be supported through their senior year by funds from Academic Affairs or an extension of the grant program.

Transfer students are encouraged to apply as well.

For information about this program, please contact:

Dr. Maria SantistebanDr. Maria Santisteban, PI
Phone 910.775.4274
Office address: Oxendine Science Building Room 2232

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