About Us
Founded in 1998, the Staff Senate’s mission is to represent SHRA staff and EHRA non-teaching staff by providing open communications among employees, university administration and UNC regarding mutual interests and concerns. The Senate strives to create a positive, respectful workplace with opportunities for professional and personal growth, while also serving at the behest of and in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor.
The Staff Senate provides a regular, open forum to facilitate communication among employees and University administration regarding identifying and discussing general employment interests and concerns, exchanging information to clarify and coordinate policies, identifying current problems within university operations, and presenting plans or proposals for improvement of working conditions, as directed by the President of the University of North Carolina System.
What do we do?
- Sponsor the Campus Conversations and other avenues for staff to provide input on campus-related topics.
- Represent UNCP in the UNC Staff Assembly, giving UNCP a voice at the state level.
- Serve as liaison between staff members and the Chancellor and other governing bodies, and as ombudsman when requested during grievance process.
- Initiate the review of University policies and/or procedures and make recommendations regarding interests/concerns that affect staff members.
How can you get involved?
- Be aware of what is happening on campus and around the state and share this with co-workers.
- Volunteer and contribute to community service events.
- Nominate worthy co-workers to be recognized as a Employees of the Month.
- Run for Staff Council in the spring.
To contact the UNCP Staff Senate, send an email to staff.senate@uncp.edu or visit the Staff Senate members page.
UNC Staff Assembly
The UNC Staff Assembly is the elected body of representatives of the staff of the seventeen campuses of the University of North Carolina , System Office, and affiliates. Its objectives are set forth in the Assembly's Charter.
The goal of the UNC Staff Assembly is to improve communications, understanding, and morale throughout the whole of our respective communities, and to increase efficiency and productivity in campus operations.