hurricane ian weather updates
Saturday, October 1, 2022, 12:40 p.m., Message from Chancellor Cummings


I’m pleased to report the university will resume standard operations today, October 1, at 1 p.m. All classes will resume as scheduled beginning on Monday, October 3.

While we did not experience major damages on campus, minor repairs and clean-up are ongoing by our dedicated team of facilities personnel. I am deeply appreciative of their hard work.

We encourage you to continue making the best decisions for your own personal safety. We know some of you may be facing challenges with your personal property, travel or other storm-related circumstances.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please send them to

As we transition to normal operations, the university does not anticipate the need to provide any further updates regarding this weather event. 

Again, I want to thank the staff and the administrative team for their superb management of this event. With proactive communication, collaboration, and attention to every detail, including a primary focus on safety, we are blessed with minimal impact.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

Black and Gold float on forever.

Go Braves!


Robin Gary Cummings, MD


Thursday, September 29, 2022, 3:45 p.m., Message from Chancellor Cummings


The university continues to monitor the track of Tropical Storm Ian. The most recent information from weather officials indicates the UNC Pembroke area will experience strong winds and heavy rains beginning tomorrow morning and continuing through the night. 

As a result, classes will be canceled tomorrow, Sept. 30. Employees will operate on a Condition 1 (Reduced Operations) status beginning at 6 a.m. tomorrow, Sept. 30. Safety is the number one priority when making weather decisions about campus operations, and they are made in consultation with weather officials and UNC System leadership. We understand our students, faculty and staff have different situations and we encourage you to make the best decisions for your own personal safety. 

Condition 1 (Reduced Operations): The University remains open, but certain non-mandatory operations may be reduced due to more limited staffing. Mandatory employees must report to or remain at work. All other employees have the option to report late, leave early, or not work at all; however, the employee is responsible for informing his/her supervisory chain in a timely manner of all such decisions. Employees must code available leave for any work time missed during a Condition 1 event unless the supervisor authorized off-site work arrangements or the Governor issues an Executive Order permitting leave with pay for any missed work time.

Residence halls will remain open. Dining operations for Friday, Sept. 30, are listed below:

  • Dining Hall: will operate on a normal schedule.
  • Chick-fil-A: will operate on a normal schedule.  
  • Starbucks: 7-11 a.m.
  • Café 641: Closed
  • Eat Café: Closed
  • Papa Johns: Closed
  • Einstein’s: 8:45 a.m. – noon

Periodic updates will be communicated through email and posted at and to the university’s FacebookInstagram and Twitter accounts. If you have specific questions or concerns, please email them to

Students, as with any storm, power outages are always a possibility. Should you have medication that requires refrigeration, please contact Student Health Services at 910.521.6219 to make necessary arrangements.

I encourage everyone to review storm preparedness measures and make smart decisions as the storm passes through. 

Stay safe.

Robin Gary Cummings, MD


Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 3 p.m.


While it is still too early to be certain of Hurricane Ian’s potential impacts to our area, we want you to know we are closely monitoring the situation and remain in close contact with regional weather officials.

Updates to UNC Pembroke operations will be posted here and through the university’s official communication channels as they become available.

If you have specific questions or concerns, please email them to


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