The McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing

McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing Mission and Purpose

The McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing is dedicated to carrying out the mission of the College of Health Sciences and the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. As an integral academic unit of the University, the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing is committed to the tripartite roles of teaching, research, and community service that contribute to the cultural, intellectual, and social development of professional nurses in North Carolina and the nation. Students are provided the opportunity to obtain a multicultural education that is grounded in the arts, sciences and humanities; that is congruent with standards for professional nursing practice; and that prepares them for lifelong learning, professional development, and service to others.

The primary purposes of the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing program are to (a) provide accessible, seamless, high-quality undergraduate and graduate nursing education to diverse student populations in order to create leaders in professional nursing practice, and (b) prepare graduates to provide high-quality, cost-effective professional nursing services, to improve health across the life span, for individuals, families, groups, and communities.

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Welcome from the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing Chair.

With great pleasure I extend a warm welcome to all who visit the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing. As the Interim Chair, I am honored to serve in this role and work alongside such a dedicated and talented group of professionals. Our school has a rich tradition of excellence in nursing education, and I am committed to upholding and enhancing this heritage during my tenure. I encourage you to explore our website, familiarize yourself with our programs, and discover the opportunities that await you here.

At the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing, we believe in empowering our students to become highly skilled and compassionate nurses who will make a positive impact in healthcare and the lives of individuals and communities. Our faculty members are experienced professionals who are passionate about teaching and mentoring the next generation of healthcare providers. They will guide you through a comprehensive curriculum that blends theoretical foundations with hands-on clinical experiences, ensuring students are well-prepared to address the complex healthcare challenges of today and tomorrow.

Thank you for visiting the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing site. Please join us as we embark on a transformative educational experience that will shape the future of nursing and improve the health and well-being of our communities. Together, we can continue to elevate the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing to new heights and make a lasting impact in the field of healthcare. Together, we will inspire, learn, and transform the future of nursing.

Important Notice: Admission to UNCP does not guarantee acceptance into the BSN nursing program. All prospective BSN nursing students must submit a supplemental application and meet program-specific admission requirements.

Academic Programs


Prelicensure BSN

The Pre-licensure BSN option is 4 academic years in length and encompasses two phases.The first phase is comprised of 58 semester credit hours of lower-division work, including liberal arts and nursing prerequisites. The broad educational background in the physical, social, and behavioral sciences afforded by this phase provides the foundation for the nursing major. The second phase is comprised of 62 semester credit hours of upper-division work in the nursing major and is completed within the Department of Nursing. Taken during the junior and senior years, these courses are designed to prepare the baccalaureate nurses for practice in a variety of settings.


The online MSN program provides registered nurses, with a baccalaureate degree, with an opportunity to build expertise in a specialized area of practice while enhancing their skills in theory and research in professional practice.The degree requires 39 semester hours of graduate level coursework delivered in an online format. Coursework is offered with majority coursework online plus required practicums.


The RN-BSN completion option is designed for registered nurses who wish to earn the baccalaureate nursing degree. Building on competencies attained by the registered nurse, the program extends the student’s knowledge, skills, attitudes, and scope of practice for expanded career opportunities, enhances personal and professional satisfaction, and develops a foundation for further study in graduate nursing education.

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RIBN is a statewide dual-degree educational track to obtain an ADN and BSN degree targetted toward graduating high school seniors and students who are beginning their collegiate careers. The curriculum blends the best of both an ADN program and a BSN program.This program will provide a seamless associate to baccalaureate nursing education for top academic students. The first three years of study will be at one of the Partner Community Colleges in collaboration with UNC Pembroke (UNCP). Upon successful completion of the first three years and after passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), students will be eligible to practice and matriculate into the fourth year of the program at UNCP. The fourth year is offerred completely online so that students may immediately begin working as nurses following the third year.

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Registered nurses with an associate degree or diploma in nursing are eligible to apply to the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing MSN program through the RN-MSN Pathway. The RN-MSN Pathway will require a total of 63 semester hours of general education coursework, 25 semester hours of BSN coursework, 30 semester hours of BSN validation credits, and 39 semester hours of MSN coursework for a total of 157 semester credit hours of study. Students interested in the RN-MSN Pathway must successfully complete the required undergraduate general education coursework and be in the last semester of required RN-BSN upper-division coursework before they are eligible to apply for the MSN program.



The DNP is designed for nurses seeking a terminal degree in nursing practice and offers an alternative to research-focused doctoral programs. DNP-prepared nurses are well-equipped to fully implement the science developed by nurse researchers prepared in PhD, DNS, and other research-focused nursing doctorates.

Over 31 years of serving the community

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Advance your Nursing Career from Pre-Licensure to Terminal Degree at UNCP!


Typical Pre-Licensure admission cohort-50 students

Post-Licensure programs offered ONLINE and with small class sizes

First time NCLEX pass rates-96% in 2023!


Prepare for several advanced nursing certifications!

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and master’s degree program in nursing at the University of North Carolina Pembroke is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001.


Do you have questions about our programs or want to talk to someone? If so, please e-mail us at

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