Title IX & Clery Compliance

Dear University Community,

We are pleased to announce the implementation of a new Title IX policy and regulation designed to enhance our commitment to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff. The new policy and regulation reinforce our dedication to preventing and addressing incidents of sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, and sexual violence within our community. They include comprehensive procedures for reporting and investigating complaints, providing supportive measures for those affected, and ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all parties involved. 

We encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the new policy and regulation, which are available below. As always, our office remains available to support and guide any member of our community who seeks assistance or has questions about their rights under Title IX. Together, we can foster a campus culture rooted in respect and safety.


UNCP Title IX and Clery Compliance Logo

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors.  All members of the university community are expected to engage in conduct that contributes to its culture of integrity and honor that we always strive to maintain.  The university prohibits its faculty, staff and students from engaging in any form of discrimination, protected-status harassment, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, and retaliation and expects these individuals to refrain from committing acts of discrimination, bias, or sexual violence as these sexual misconduct offenses jeopardize the health and welfare of our students and employees.  In compliance with federal and state law and university policy, the university maintains processes to provide redress and remediation to individuals or groups who believe they have been the victim of these offenses.

Kaye Patel Fraley, Assistant General Counsel 
Director of Title IX and Clery Compliance (Interim)
Title IX Coordinator (Interim)                                         
Clery Compliance Officer (Interim)
Dr. Joseph B. Oxendine Administrative Building                           
The Compliance Suite, Room 104                                                   
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke                             
Office (TIX): 910.521.6398                        
Office (OGC): 910.775.4336                                                               

Senior Campus Investigator
Dr. Joseph B. Oxendine Administrative Building
The Compliance Suite, Room 104
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Office: 910.775.4105
Facsimile: 910.521.6891

Jasmine McCrae
Pregnant & Parenting Compliance Coordinator & Campus Investigator
Dr. Joseph B. Oxendine Administrative Building                           
The Compliance Suite, Room 104                                                   
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke                             
Office: 910.775.4105                                                                           
Facsimile: 910.521.6891
To schedule an appointment, call or email.


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