People at the writing center sitting and talking

University Writing Center

Spring 2025 Writing Center Hours

We will open for SPRING 2025 on January 21! Find our in-person availability in the drop-down menu on our scheduling system.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday

10:00am-5pm (In person & online)

7:00pm-10:00pm (Online)

10:00am-5pm (In person & online)

7:00pm-10:00pm (Online)

10:00am-5pm (In person & online)

7:00pm-10:00pm (Online)

10:00am-5pm (In person & online)

7:00pm-10:00pm (Online)

10:00am-2:00pm (in-person and online) 6:00pm-10:00pm (online)

You now have three options for your appointment: an in-person session, a live online session, or receiving written feedback from a tutor within 48 hours. Simply click on "Written Feedback" while making an appointment. 

"Written Feedback" Option

Please allow 24 hours for us to review and respond to your work. Thank you!


The University Writing Center staff works with UNCP students at any stage in the writing process, from brainstorming topics to drafting, revising, and editing. UNCP students from any course or department are welcome. Consultants work with students on all types of writing assignments. Students are welcome to use Writing Center computers to draft and revise their writing. We also support writings in such tasks as accessing library databases, word processing, formatting, implementing various citation styles, creating presentations and research posters, and other aspects of academic communication. 

We are closed when classes are not in session and during the first week of fall and spring semesters. The University Writing Center follows the University status during inclement weather.  

UNCP Safe Zone

We are  LGBT Safe Zone Allies

Secular Safe Zone

 Secular Safe Zone Allies

UNCP Safezone
We are Safe Zone trained!