What is RIBN?
RIBN is a statewide dual-degree educational track to obtain an ADN and BSN degree targetted toward graduating high school seniors and students who are beginning their collegiate careers. The curriculum blends the best of both an ADN program and a BSN program.
This program will provide a seamless associate to baccalaureate nursing education for top academic students. The first three years of study will be at one of the Partner Community Colleges in collaboration with UNC Pembroke (UNCP). Upon successful completion of the first three years and after passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), students will be eligible to practice and matriculate into the fourth year of the program at UNCP. The fourth year is offerred completely online so that students may immediately begin working as nurses following the third year.
Students in the SouthCentral RIBN Program:
- Spend the first three years at the community college campus. The first year is prerequisite courses followed by two years of nursing school.
- Receive their Associate Degree in Nursing at the end of their third year.
- Complete fourth year course work online at UNC-Pembroke through the RN-BSN Program.
- Students graduate after the fourth year with their BSN.
What Are the Advantages of RIBN for Students?
- With acceptance to RIBN, students are more competitive for admission into the ADN and BSN Program as long as all progression requirements are maintained.
- Completion of BSN degree within four years.
- Less expensive than attending a university-based pre-licensure program.
- Added support with a RIBN student success advocate available to assist program participants.
- Option to work part-time or full-time as a registered nurse during the fourth year.
For more information about the SouthCentralNC Collaborative RIBN program and how to apply, please contact the SouthCentralNC RIBN Student Success Advocate: