Winter Weather Advisory

University leadership is closely monitoring the potential for winter weather that could affect our campus from Wednesday, Feb. 19, into Thursday, Feb. 20.

G Suite for Education

Google’s G Suite for Education (Google for Higher Ed) is available for all UNCP account holders. Read on to learn more, including how to access your UNCP G Suite account.


Will G Suite replace Office 365?

No. G Suite will complement the tools in Office 365, but it will not replace them.

Email and calendaring are not available within UNCP’s G Suite. Office 365 is the official platform for UNCP email and calendaring.


Why provide both Office 365 and G Suite?
  • Our goal is to provide secure cloud collaboration for UNCP business needs.
  • Both Office 365 and G Suite have compelling use cases for higher education.
  • Security tools deployed at UNCP extend to both Office 365 and Google.
  • Both Office 365 and Google provide unique opportunities for collaborating with UNCP co-workers, students, and outside affiliates.
  • Both provide tools at no cost that would otherwise need to be purchased and managed as separate applications.


What if I use my personal G Suite account for UNCP business?

Stop. Personal accounts, including G Suite, Gmail, and Office 365, should not be used to conduct University business.

Office 365 and G Suite environments at UNCP are secured and managed to prevent data loss and data breach. Use of other cloud environments not managed by UNCP subjects university data to a high risk of exposure. The availability of 2 cloud platforms alleviates the necessity to use other cloud environments for University business.


How do I access G Suite for UNCP?
  1. Go to .
  2. NOTE: If you are already signed in to another Google account, sign out or choose to use another Google account.
  3. If you are taken to the Google Sign in page, enter your UNCP email address.
  4. You will be directed to the single sign-on login portal for UNCP.
  5. Enter your UNCP account single sign-on credentials (the same ones used for Office 365). 
  6. This will take you to the Dashboard which displays all your Google apps. 


Use Google Drive for Desktop

You can use Drive for desktop to keep your files in sync between the cloud and your computer. Google Drive can be installed from Software Center on UNCP computers.


To learn more about G Suite for Education, Google “G Suite Learning Center”.  You’ll find training guides, tips, customer examples, and other resources.