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Celebrating LGBTQIA+ History Month at UNC Pembroke


The Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity and the LGBTQIA History Planning Committee at UNC Pembroke recently announced events for LGBTQIA+ History Month.

Celebrated annually in October, the month’s events highlight the histories and experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual or ace, and other persons along the spectrum.

Events held during LGBTQIA+ History Month include:

  • October 11: National Coming Out Day
  • October 12-16: Facts about historical people and events from the LGBTQIA+ community are posted on stakes between the Chavis University Center and the English E. Jones Center. A door painted with the progressive pride flag is also situated between the Chavis University Center and the English E. Jones Center in celebration of National Coming Out Day.
  • ·October 22: A panel of current and former students, faculty and community members will discuss their experiences as members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The panel discussion begins at 3:30 p.m. and can be attended virtually at
  • October 23: A panel of social scientists will discuss differences in sex, gender and sexual orientation based on their respective field. Attend the virtual panel event at 2 p.m. via
  • ·October 29: Dr. Tyler Flockhart, an assistant professor of sociology at Viterbo University, will explore the issues within parent-LGB child relationships. View Dr. Flockhart’s presentation virtually at 3 p.m. at
  • November 10: The inaugural Lavender Academic Achievement Ceremony will be held at 6:30 p.m. and recognizes the academic achievements of LGBTQIA+ graduates. Participants are required to RSVP.
  • Trans Awareness Week will be celebrated November 6-12 and Trans Day of Remembrance is November 13. Additional information is forthcoming.

Director of Student Inclusion and Diversity Dr. Lawrence Locklear shared, “UNC Pembroke is proud to be one of the most diverse institutions in the Southeastern United States. Our LGBTQIA+ students are an integral part of BraveNation and we value their contributions that make UNC Pembroke the diverse institution that it is. LGBTQIA+ History Month is a great way to recognize their contributions and increase awareness of the history and experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community.”

For more information about LGBTQIA+ History Month and other diversity awareness programming at UNCP, please contact the Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity at 910.521.6508 or