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Des Woods named Campus Engagement and Leadership Student of the Month

Des Woods
Des Woods

Des Woods was named Campus Engagement and Leadership’s (CEL) Student of the Month for November at UNC Pembroke.

The student spotlight program was created to celebrate the impact CEL student workers have on the success of the department and the programs it hosts. Each month the department nominates and selects students who meet the standards of commitment to the CEL office, personal responsibility and accountability, and passion for everyday leadership.

“If you looked up the phrase ‘servant leader’ a definition would not have to be provided; a picture of Des would be more than enough. Des is everything one who wishes to lead should strive to be. He is humble and passionate; but most importantly he is a friend to everyone he meets," explained Thomas Crowe-Allbritton, UNC Pembroke SGA president.

Throughout his academic career at UNC Pembroke, Woods has held a multitude of leadership roles, and is setting a high bar for student engagement and involvement.

Woods has served as an SGA senator, SGA chief of staff, Disney College Program participant, NAACP political action chair, University of North Carolina Association of Student Governments parliamentarian, AAUW National member, 2019 Southeast Regional Model UN assistant director, 2020 Charlotte Southeast Regional Model UN director, UNC Pembroke Athletics marketing intern, and 2018 inaugural Community and Civic Engagement (CCE) Change Agent Academy member.

“Des Woods is one of those people that you see everywhere on campus. He is always so passionate about leadership and being a student advocate. In the little time I have known him, he has taught me how to be a better leader and friend. You can always count on Des to be a hard worker and reliable. He is probably the university’s number one fan because of his love and commitment to this campus. I couldn’t imagine this campus without his efforts and persistence,” stated Cotrayia Hardison, UNC Pembroke SGA vice president.

In addition to being hugely engaged in leadership roles on campus, Woods has developed an impressive service transcript having accumulating over 250 volunteer hours. Woods has served as a CCE site leader and received the 2019 CCE UNCP Serve Award.

“During homecoming, Des showed up to almost every event and worked harder than anyone else I know; he matched (and maybe even outworked) the professional staff there. His growth as a student leader has surpassed that of any other student I’ve worked with,” stated Parker Watson, assistant director for campus engagement. 

Woods is a senior studying political science with a minor in history, and plans to pursue a career in higher education in student affairs after graduating in May 2020.