Adverse Weather

University leadership is monitoring Hurricane Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.

Dr. Irene Aiken named president-elect of NC Council of Graduate Schools

Irene Aiken
Dr. Irene Aiken, dean of The Graduate School

Dr. Irene Pittman Aiken, dean of The Graduate School, has been voted president-elect of the North Carolina Council of Graduate Schools.

The election was held at the NCCGS Executive Board meeting following the annual NCCGS conference in October. NCCGS is comprised of public and private graduate degree institutions throughout the state. Dr. Aiken, a professor in the School of Education, is in her 26th year at UNCP and her 12th year working in The Graduate School. 

Dr. Aiken additionally serves on several national and international committees including: the Audit Committee for the Council of Southern Graduate Schools, The Constitution and By-Laws Committee (chair) for Kappa Delta Pi International, and recently served on the CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award in the Social Sciences for the National Council of Graduate Schools.