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University leadership is monitoring Hurricane Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.

Dr. Kelly Ficklin wins Distinguished Service in Science Education Award

Kelly Ficklin
Kelly Ficklin, Ed.D. is the recipient of the 2019 NCSTA Dr. Don Bailey Distinguished Service in Science Education Award

UNC Pembroke professor Kelly Ficklin, Ed.D. is the recipient of the 2019 NCSTA Dr. Don Bailey Distinguished Service in Science Education Award.

Dr. Ficklin was presented the award at the annual North Carolina Science Teachers Association Conference in Winston-Salem. The award is given to a person exhibiting leadership in science education; contributing to improvements in science education; and excelling in the aspects of science education in the elementary setting.

Ficklin serves as undergraduate coordinator and graduate program director of Elementary Education.

This honor is determined by other science educators throughout NC and serves as recognition of Ficklin’s professional excellence and contributions to science education in North Carolina.

“Dr. Ficklin is widely regarded as an outstanding teacher and is a valued asset to the UNCP School of Education, to the university’s core academic mission, and to the broader education community,” said Lisa Mitchell, Ph.D., interim associate dean, School of Education.

“Her nomination for this award recognizes her outstanding teaching career, significant contributions to the university, and significant professional contributions in education.”