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University leadership is monitoring Hurricane Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.

Junior Evelina Wheeler named CEL's Student of the Month

Evelina Wheer
Evelina Wheeler

Evelina Wheeler has been named Campus Engagement and Leadership's Student of the Month for January.

The student spotlight program was created to celebrate the impact CEL's student workers have on the success of the department and the programs it hosts. Each month the department nominates and selects students who meet the following standards: commitment to the office, personal responsibility and accountability, and passion for everyday leadership.

Wheeler, a junior majoring in public relations, is from High Point and serves on Pembroke Activities Council’s board of trustees.  

Pembroke Activities Council is a student organization comprised of well-trained student leaders who plan and implement events for students and the campus community. Wheeler coordinated the planning and implementation of the recent Drive-In Movie event, which featured an artisanal popcorn bar and drew hundreds of students in attendance—ultimately filling the entire parking lot to capacity.  

Assistant director of Campus Engagement and Leadership Parker Watson shared, “Evelina is a recent transfer student, so she hasn’t been on our campus for very long, but she has already made a lasting impact on UNC Pembroke. Her hard work has been invaluable to the organizations, the office and the university.”

Student Government Association Chief of Staff and Woods agrees.

“... Evelina dedicates herself to PAC better than anyone else I have seen in the organization. Whether it's spending countless hours in the office, creating appealing marketing for events on social media platforms, or speaking to a diverse array of students that she has never met, Evelina embodies the mission and values of PAC and I am glad to have met her during my time at BraveNation,” says Woods.