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University leadership is monitoring Hurricane Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.

Message from Chancellor and VC Student Affairs: Homecoming


Saturday, November 2, 2019

**Message from Dr. Lisa Schaeffer, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs**


I want to take this opportunity to provide an update regarding the Homecoming pepper spray incident as the university has concluded the investigation into the matter.

I am able to share with you today that the investigation indicated the incident was the act of a single officer and the individual is no longer employed by The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. 

With the investigation now complete we can focus our efforts collectively on moving our campus and community forward. In coordination with the Student Government Association, we have already scheduled a forum with campus police on Tuesday, November 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the UC Annex.

I thank you for your patience as we worked diligently and thoroughly toward resolution. I have full confidence in our ability as one BraveNation to focus on our future, learning and growing from this experience together.


Dr. Lisa L. Schaeffer

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Office of Student Affairs

Thursday, October 18, 2019


I understand there remain many questions and a desire for answers regarding Saturday’s incident prior to the football game. This is a serious matter, and we owe it to all those impacted to engage in a complete, thorough investigation complying with all procedures and governing regulations, including those involving personnel. It is critically important the university work both diligently and expeditiously to ensure due process is followed.

Please know, that upon completion of the investigation, information will be released publicly in accordance with applicable state laws. The university fully intends to take steps necessary to move our campus community forward in unity ever focused on our mission.

I continue to be impressed by the support shown from alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of our university. Even those to whom I spoke immediately after the incident, although hurting and questioning, expressed their love for UNCP—a love that cannot be undone by a single act. And it is in that spirit, that we will be able to work together and create a stronger university community.


Dr. Robin Gary Cummings




Saturday, October 12, 2019


I want to make you aware of an incident that occurred this afternoon during our Homecoming celebrations before our game against Mars Hill University. At the conclusion of the tailgate, an officer dispersed pepper spray in an area where game attendees, including alumni and students, were gathered.

We immediately began a thorough investigation that remains underway. Individuals at the scene are being asked to provide statements. The officer involved will be placed on investigatory leave. More information and my response will be available once this investigation has been completed.

This is an unfortunate occurrence that comes as we finish a week of celebrating our beloved university. I want to assure you the security of our campus community, especially our students, is my top priority, a responsibility taken very seriously. We are proud UNC Pembroke is one of the safest campuses in the state and will do all we can to ensure our students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members have confidence in their personal safety and our commitment to their dignity while on campus. We have a common bond. That bond will not be broken but strengthened as we learn how better to live as BraveNation.


Dr. Robin Gary Cummings
