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Student Health Services wins grant, expands virtual services


Student Health Services at UNC Pembroke has been awarded a Student Health Emergency Mini Grant from the UNC System Office in the amount of $7,500.

The funding comes in response to the university’s grant application which will allow the department to expand resources and services for students amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

This grant will provide new software and equipment to support Student Health Services’ transition into employing virtual care to patients.

“At the emergence of this pandemic, Student Health Services took immediate action to protect our campus community and mitigate the potential spread. Through telephone triage, telehealth appointments and other virtual resources, this dedicated and capable team has remained committed to serving students and prioritizing health,” explained Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dr. Art Malloy.

In addition to new software and equipment, the Emergency Mini Grant will provide essential supplies that will be distributed in self-care kits directly to students, easing their financial burden and enabling them to provide recommended self-care in the comfort of their home.

“We recognize many of our students lack basic thermometers to check their temperature. This has been a cornerstone recommendation for self-monitoring of symptoms. I cannot advise someone to check their temperature twice daily without ensuring they actually have the means to do it. This funding will meet that need, as well as means for handwashing and other self-care items,” explained Crystal Moore, assistant director of Clinical Services.

Student Health Services is a department within the Division of Student Affairs at UNC Pembroke and is committed to providing affordable, accessible and high-quality health care services to the campus community and to meeting the demonstrated needs of a diverse student population, in accordance with the core values, vision and mission of UNC Pembroke. For more information, visit or follow the department on social media.