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UNC Pembroke celebrates American Indian Heritage Month


A lecture by the curator at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University kicks off a host of activities in celebration of American Indian Heritage Month at UNC Pembroke.

Marshall Price will speak at the Museum of the Southeast American Indian on October 29. Price is curator for the first major exhibition of contemporary Native American art in the world, Art for a New Understanding: Native Voices, 1950s to Now.

The public is invited to join the campus in sampling Indigenous foods at the 11th annual Honoring Native Foodways event at the University Center Annex on November 7. The Cherokee Warriors of AniKituhwa will offer three performances November 19-20.

The documentary ‘RETURN: Native American Women Reclaim Foodways for Health and Spirit’ will be shown inside the Moore Hall auditorium on November 21.

American Indian Heritage Month is a time to celebrate UNCP’s unique status as North Carolina’s historically American Indian university. UNCP is the only four-year, state-supported institution in the country established by American Indians for American Indians.

Here is a complete listing of events:

  • Tuesday, October 29
    • Native American Speakers Series presents Dr. Marshall N. Price
      • Dr. Price is the curator for the first major exhibition of contemporary American Indian art in the world, Art for a New Understanding: Native Voices, 1950s to Now.
      • 5:30 p.m., Museum of the Southeast American Indian
  • November 1-30
    • Photography Exhibit: Lumbee Indians: A People and A Place
      • Museum of the Southeast American Indian, Old Main
    • Display of Healthy Recipes with Indigenous Foods at Food Lion of Pembroke
  • November 4-15
    • Bead Work Raffle
      • Tickets available from Alpha Pi Omega Sorority.
  • Friday, November 1
  • Monday, November 4
    • Gourd Painting
      • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Chavis University Center Lounge
      • Sponsor: Alpha Pi Omega Sorority
  • Wednesday, November 6
    • Rock Your Mocs!
      • Wear your favorite moccasins or traditional footwear
      • Social Stickball Game
      • 3:30 to 5 p.m. Quad, next to Livermore Library
  • Thursday, November 7
    • 11th Annual Honoring Native Foodways
      • 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., University Center Annex, Assembly Room
  • Monday, November 11
    • What does Indigenous mean to you?
      • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Chavis University Center Mall
      • Sponsor: Alpha Pi Omega Sorority
  • Thursday, November 14
    • Breaking Native American Stereotypes
      • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Chavis University Center Mall
      • Sponsor: Phi Sigma Nu Fraternity
    • Made in God’s Image: A Staged Play Reading
      • 6:30 p.m., Livermore Library’s Main Reading Room
      • Sponsors: Friends of the Library, Theatre Program, and Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity
  • Saturday, November 16
    • American Indian Heritage Day: Braves Football vs. University of Virginia-Wise
      • 1 p.m., Grace P. Johnson Stadium
  • Monday, November 18
    • Friendship Dance
      • 1 p.m., Chavis University Center Lawn
      • Sponsor: Alpha Pi Omega Sorority
  • Tuesday, November 19
    • On Stage for Youth Performance: The Cherokee Warriors of AniKituhwa
      • 10 – 11 a.m., Givens Performing Arts Center
      • Admission: $3
      • The show is for youth, but the public is welcome.
      • Sponsors: Givens Performing Arts Center and Museum of the Southeast American Indian
    • Tribal Showcase, featuring The Cherokee Warriors of AniKituhwa
      • 6 – 8 p.m., University Center Annex Assembly Room
      • Sponsor: Native American Student Organization
  • Wednesday, November 20
    • On Stage for Youth Performance: The Cherokee Warriors of AniKituhwa
      • 10 – 11 a.m., Givens Performing Arts Center
      • Admission: $3
      • The show is for youth, but the public is welcome.
      • Sponsors: Givens Performing Arts Center and Museum of the Southeast American Indian
  • Thursday, November 21
    • Native Healing and Display of Herbs and Beadwork
      • Time and Location: TBD
      • Sponsor: Phi Sigma Nu Fraternity
    • Native American Speakers Series presents RETURN: Native American Women Reclaim Foodways for Health and Spirit
      • 6 p.m., Moore Hall Auditorium
  • Monday, November 25
    • Jail the Chancellor Canned Food Drive
      • 2 – 3:30 p.m., Lumbee Hall, Room 406
    • Beading Workshop
      • 6:30 – 8 p.m., Chavis University Center, Room 251
      • Sponsor: Alpha Pi Omega Sorority