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University leadership continues to monitor Tropical Storm Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.

UNCP announces changes to Fall 2020 semester


Students at UNC Pembroke will begin the Fall 2020 semester two weeks early due to the impacts of COVID-19, Chancellor Robin Gary Cummings announced in a letter Wednesday to students, faculty and staff.

“It remains our goal at UNC Pembroke to bring students back to campus as we believe the on-campus experience offers the best opportunity for their success,” the letter reads. 

“Over the last several weeks, a working group of faculty, staff and student leaders have been working hard exploring the many possibilities to safely make this a reality.”

Classes will begin August 5. Like many universities, UNC Pembroke will eliminate fall break to conclude the semester prior to Thanksgiving, extending the winter break. The last day of class will be November 12. Final exams will be held November 16-20 and commencement will be held November 20-21. The Spring 2021 semester is currently scheduled to begin on January 11, 2021.

“During times like these, we all must remain resilient and adaptable, to control those things we know and to prepare for those yet unknown. Your university leadership is committed to keeping you healthy and your safety is at the forefront while we develop innovative solutions to maintain a high-quality education environment.”

 Click here to read full text of the chancellor’s letter.