Faculty members are encouraged to redesign some aspects of their courses to adopt ePortfolios, so they become part of this career readiness journey for students. There will be training opportunities and mini-grants to assist faculty members implement ePorttolios in their courses throughout the semester. Book a consultation with one of the members of our team to get started with EPICS today!
The 6A ePortfolio Model, developed by Dr. Miko Nino and Dr. Scott Hicks, will be used to implement EPICS at UNCP. By following this model, students will go from valuing ePortfolios to using them for career readiness.
The article “The 6A ePortfolio Model: Professionalizing Learning in Higher Education” (Nino & Hicks, 2021) was published in the International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP) in the Fall 2021.