Graduate Programs

Whether you have an undergraduate degree in business and want to advance your career or you have no undergraduate business experience and want to combine the superior managerial skills of an MBA with existing skills to improve your effectiveness, or whether you want to embark on a new career, the MBA program at UNCP is right for you. The MBA program allows you to take classes full-time or part-time while keeping your full-time job. 

Online MBA   Pathway MBA

Master In Accounting Program Survey

UNCP MBA student attends an on-campus evening class.
MBA Learning Goals

  1. Knowledge and competency in the appropriate areas of business.
  2. The ability to analyze a situation and show the ethical implications of various alternatives.
  3. To integrate and synthesize the various business areas and to develop cross-functional approaches to organizational issues.
  4. A capacity to lead in organizational settings.
  5. Excellent communication skills.

Thomas School of Business
The UNCP Advantage

The mission of The Graduate School at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke is to provide quality master's level degree programs and opportunities for continuing professional and career development for students whose academic preparation and personal characteristics predict success in graduate studies.

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