Adverse Weather

University leadership is monitoring Hurricane Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.

KDP Eligibility Requirements

Kappa Delta Pi Chapter Logo

Membership Requirements:

To be eligible for election to membership, an individual must meet the following criteria:


Undergraduate Student Requirements

  • Be enrolled in an institution offering an education degree and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education;
  • Demonstrate leadership attributes and commitment to equity;
  • Have completed at least 18 credits of collegiate course work;
  • Have at least 6 credit hours in education course work programmed, in progress, or completed;
  • Demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater or ranking in the upper 20% of the school; and
  • Receive an invitation to membership from the chapter at the college where you are currently enrolled (if a chapter operates on your campus).

Graduate Student Requirements

  • Have graduate standing in an institution offering an education degree and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education;
  • Demonstrate leadership attributes and commitment to equity;
  • Have completed at least 6 credit hours of graduate course work;
  • Have at least 6 credit hours in education course work programmed, in progress, or completed; and
  • Demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher for all graduate course work completed or ranking in the upper 18.75% of the institution or school.

Students Seeking Alternative Certification Requirements

  • Hold a baccalaureate degree;
  • Completion of at least 3 credits (or equivalent) of a certification program;
  • Have at least 6 credits (or equivalent) of education courses programmed, in progress, or completed; and
  • Demonstrate a GPA of 3.25 or ranking in the upper 20% of the institution or school.