Web sites

COPYRIGHT Resources online

Below is a select list of online resources related to the topic of copyright. Please contact the Reference Desk at 910.521.6656 or refdesk@uncp.edu for assistance in locating additional resources. Reference Assistance may also be obtained through instant messaging uncpref.

The American Library Association's Copyright Web Site


Covers copyright news, issues, and current topics. Includes a topic index.


The United States Copyright Office's Web Site


Covers basic copyright questions in an FAQ format. Provides useful links to copyright information including licensing and registering works.


The University of Texas 's Crash Course in Copyright


Cover copyright basics, includes a self quiz.


Stanford University 's Copyright Blog


Includes basic copyright information as well as current legal cases pertaining to copyright issues.


Indiana and Purdue University 's Copyright Management Center


“This website provides access to a wide variety of resources about copyright in general and its importance to higher education, including a variety of other pages dealing with the subject of copyright.”


Know Your Copyrights


“This site looks at copyright from the perspectives of all key academic stakeholders and suggests what each group can do to enhance their copyright practices and advance academic interests. To help libraries undertake a campus copyright educational campaign, a range of tools are offered.”