Project BN2
Project BN2 (Brave Nation Basic Needs) addresses basic need deficits for UNCP students that create obstacles to academic success and experiential learning while empowering and equipping them to meet their goals and increase overall sense of belonging. The supports underserved students to provide them with opportunities to engage in experiential learning opportunities and meet basic needs. Through this program, we hope to support enhanced learning, growth, and development, an increased sense of belonging, and support retention and matriculation towards degree completion.
Experiential Learning Grant
The Experiential Learning grant is for students currently enrolled at UNCP who are planning or currently participating in experiential learning and face obstacles related to one or more basic needs (including transportation, food, housing, health and wellness, childcare, or technology). The students are eligible for up to $1,500 per calendar year. Students are expected to provide documentation of the experiential learning opportunity and documentation of how their basic needs are being impacted. Click the link to visit the website. Experiential Learning Grant application
Student Emergency Assistance Fund
The student emergency financial assistance application is for currently enrolled UNCP students who need financial support to assist with unexpected emergency expenses surrounding situations that create hardships. Click the link to visit the webpage. Student Emergency Assistance Fund