In partnership with Columbus County Schools, Public Schools of Robeson County, Scotland County Schools, and Whiteville City Schools, the School of Education is excited to introduce the Brave Scholars program.
The Brave Scholars program is needs based scholarship that seeks to provide financial and professional support to future educators who make a commitment to serve in one of our partner districts following graduation.
- Tuition and Fees
- Health Insurance
- Meal Plan
- Professional Development (In-state, out of state, international opportunities)
- Dedicated faculty support
- Housing supplement
- Living and Learning Community
Cost of Attending for Undergraduate & Graduate Students at UNC-Pembroke
Brave Scholars Information Sheet
Steering Committee
Shonna Garrell | Columbus County Schools |
LaToya Green | Columbus County Schools |
Sheri Herndon | Public Schools of Robeson County |
Nakeia McKiver | Public Schools of Robeson County |
Jonathan McRae | Scotland County Schools |
Jonathan Williams | Whiteville City Schools |
Katie McLamb | Whiteville City Schools |
UNCP Project Team
Tracy Mulvaney | Principal Investigator |
Lisa Mitchell | Co-PI |
Amanda Mussman | Program Coordinator |
Arine Lowery | Teacher Recruitment team member |
LaMorris Smith | School of Education Recruitment Director |
Email: BraveScholarsProgram@uncp.edu
Please join our mailing list for more information on the program and to stay up to date with our deadlines.