BSW Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How many credits do I need to graduate with a bachelor degree?

Please visit the following link: This link provides an abundance of information about credit hours (120), required University courses, and more. Also, review the Department of Social Work website, student handbook, field manual, and other social work specific documents to know the criteria for this program. Overall, be sure to review all of the above resources to ensure you are fulfilling all the necessary requirements in order to successfully attain your degree.

2. I am close to graduating, am I short any credits or requirements?

To avoid this, consistently review your DARS (Degree Audit Report). Visit the following link to access several student guides to help you navigate the various UNCP systems to stay up-to-date about your academic documents.

The steps to access and review your DARS can be found at this link and is titled, Student Guide for Running a Degree Audit: If you review your degree audit, and realize you do not have enough credits the semester prior to your graduation semester, reach out to your academic advisor and have a discussion about possible courses you could take to address any credits that still need completion before your last semester. Remember, a minimum of 120 credits is needed. Be empowered about your progress through staying consistent in reviewing your academic documents and processing your findings with your advisor.

3. I do not know who my academic advisor is. How do I find out?

Visit the following link to access several student guides to help you navigate the various UNCP systems to stay up-to-date about your academic documents and other academic processes. To learn how to find your advisor, visit the guide titled, How to Find My Academic Advisor:

4. I do not know how to register for my courses. Does my advisor register me for my courses?

Your advisor does not register courses. The advisor provides support about course progression, navigates students to proper departments to gain answers to their questions (e.g., Financial Aid, Registrar), may provide career mentorship, and other roles. Visit the following link to access several students guides to help you navigate the various UNCP systems to stay up-to-date about your academic documents and other academic processes. To learn how to register for courses, visit the document titled, How to Register for Classes:

5. When is advisement? When is the drop/add period? When is the last day of classes? When should I submit my graduation application?

The Office of the Registrar posts the Academic Calendar each semester, and it is accessible to you so you may organize your personal calendar. A good tip is to view the calendar every semester and record important dates on your personal calendar. For example, drop/add periods, University closings, immunization deadline, when graduation applications are due, when you can register for classes, and more. To access the Academic Calendars each semester, visit this link:

6. I see advisement usually takes place mid-semester. How do I schedule an appointment with my advisor?

Each advisor may have a unique way to schedule their appointments. For example, some may have a personal like through the EAB Navigate system where you can schedule appointments with your advisor or even with other University resources such as Brave Central or Center for Student Success. In addition, some advisors may have a QR Code for scheduling, others may prefer an email. Generally, when the advisement period is getting close, your advisor may send an email encouraging you to schedule an advisement session. Keep watch for advisement emails that may fill your inbox.

7. I do not know my classification. I am not sure if I am a sophomore or a junior. Which one am I?

Visit the UNCP Catalog for information including Student Finances, Student Affairs, and Undergraduate Academic Policies, which is where you will find classification information, graduation requirements, and more.

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