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Awards ceremony recognizes exemplary staff members

Staff awards
(left to right) Stan Locklear, Donna Strickland, Mike Clawson, Kay Strickland, Kim Hunt, Engle Revels, Danielle Nie and Saprina Oxendine were recognized during the Staff Awards Ceremony on June 6, 2019

Dalton Hoffer was raised in Sneads Ferry, but calls UNC Pembroke home.

Hoffer has given back to the campus and community that has embraced him since the day he stepped on campus as a student in 2009. After earning his degree he remained immersed in UNCP, accepting a job with the Office of Civic and Community Engagement.

Hoffer is known across campus as an innovative and collaborative colleague who goes above and beyond to serve students, campus, and community. On Thursday, Hoffer was among several UNCP staff recognized for their extra efforts during the Staff Awards and Recognition Ceremony.

Hoffer and Kim Hunt, of the Office of Advancement, were presented with the Changing Lives Through Education Award–considered the most prestigious award presented to staff.  

“I’m extremely humbled and honored,” Hoffer said. “I am a product of this institution and I’m extremely proud to be a Brave. Having the privilege to be honored by my peers as a young professional makes me feel valued and appreciated. I’m truly passionate about using education to empower others to create change in the world.”

Hunt said she was shocked when her named was announced inside a packed University Center Annex.

“I work with some awesome colleagues,” said Hunt, who has worked 15 years in Advancement. “I am truly happy. I’m speechless.”

Other awards were given to staff and non-teaching faculty in the following categories–accountability, communication, collaboration, innovation, integrity and service–which reflect the university’s core values.

The Changing Lives Through Education Award is given to employees whose work embodies each of the six core values. This year's recipients are:

Accountability: Engle Revels, Undergraduate Admissions  and Kay Strickland, Controller’s Office;

Collaboration: Danielle Nie, Center for Student Success and Saprina Oxendine, Livermore Library;

Communication: Todd Allen, Center for Student Success, and Cindy Campbell, Music Department;

Innovation: Emily Duke Oxendine, The Graduate School; Charlene Pierce, Academic and Military Outreach;

Integrity: Donna Strickland, Human Resources; Nicky Bullard, School of Education;

Service: Mike Clawson, Academic and Military Outreach, and Stan Locklear, Facilities Operations.

Chancellor Robin Gary Cummings said it’s great to highlight the university’s core values, but noted it’s the staff’s commitment to these values that defines how well they do their job.   

“These six values combined, lead to our mission of changing lives through education. That mission is why this university was started 132 years ago, and it’s why UNCP exists today. It’s why we’re here.

“If we didn’t believe in the power of education to change lives, we wouldn’t be in this room. We all have different roles here at UNCP but we share the same vision,

and when our six core values come together, when we all combine our efforts,

we have the ability to create something great.”