Donors endow scholarship in honor of UNCP athletics director Dick Christy and wife Windy

Dick Christy
Chancellor Robin Gary Cummings and wife, Rebecca, join donors and supporters who honored athletics director Dick Christy and his wife, Windy, with an endowed scholarship

Multiple donors and supporters of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke met Wednesday to recognize athletics director Dick Christy and his wife, Windy, for their dedication to the campus and the community by surprising them with an endowed scholarship for future student-athletes named in their honor.


An endowed scholarship is a major gift to a university or college that is used to fund scholarships. The characteristic that most differentiates endowed scholarships from others sorts of charities is that the capital is sustained in the endowed gift of the scholarship so that the gift can last forever.


The Dick and Windy Christy Endowed Scholarship will fund one scholarship per semester with criteria to be determined by the Christys.


"For donors to come together to establish an endowed scholarship in Director Christy's name speaks volumes of his dedication to the university and the community, the historic success in our athletic programs and the unwavering commitment to excellence they've witnessed over his tenure at UNCP," said UNCP Chancellor Robin Gary Cummings. "This scholarship will serve as one of the many lasting testimonies to his leadership. I can't think of a better way to recognize Dick and Windy's impact at this university than awarding deserving students the opportunity to education."


Christy, a 21-year veteran in athletics administration, assumed the role as UNCP's ninth athletics director in May 2013, and has led the department to immeasurable heights both in the athletic arenas and inside the classroom. UNCP has added 15 conference championships to its stable under his watch, as well as 16 conference runner-up showings, and has logged record department grade point averages in each of the last four years as well.


All 16 varsity sports have found conference homes for the first time in school history under Christy's leadership, with football entering into an associate membership with the Mountain East Conference beginning with the 2020 campaign, and the remaining sports returning to the umbrella of Conference Carolinas beginning with the 2021-22 athletic season.


"Occasionally in life, you meet special people who inspire you by inspiring others and making a difference in all the lives around them," said longtime UNCP Board of Trustees member Don Metzger who spearheaded the drive for the endowed scholarship. "Dick and Windy Christy are two of those people that I have had the pleasure of meeting."


Christy's tenure has also been marked with record giving and external revenue efforts as well. Since 2013, department revenues have increased by over 30 percent, including a record annual giving year and 300 percent increase in sponsorship revenues from the 2012-13 fiscal year. The department has also undertaken multiple community service initiatives, including the Braves Buddies program which partners with Pembroke Elementary to assist elementary school students with literacy and fitness.


UNCP's student-athletes and athletics staff members also played a pivotal role in the recovery efforts from Hurricanes Matthew (2016) and Florence (2018).


"Windy and I have felt at home since we arrived at UNCP due to the unwavering support of our community, as well as getting the chance to work with some of the finest people that we have ever met," Dick Christy said. "We are speechless and humbled by this gesture and look forward to witnessing the impact that it will have on students."


Donors and friends wishing to contribute and provide additional support to help grow the Dick Christy Endowed Scholarship and change more student-athletes' lives through education can do so by visiting the giving link at