Joint statement on Lumbee Homecoming: LRDA, UNCP, Town of Pembroke


The Lumbee Regional Development Association, the Town of Pembroke, and UNC Pembroke remain committed to working collaboratively to identify the opportunities to safely host Lumbee Homecoming activities this summer.  

We understand and deeply appreciate our community’s strong desire to come together in celebration of the rich traditions established over more than 50 years with Lumbee Homecoming. Annually, this week is one each of us cherishes individually and collectively as it is a reminder of what makes us truly special. 

Our state and nation are still facing the fight against COVID-19 and we are dedicated to protecting the health of each member of the community who wishes to participate. In the weeks ahead, we will work closely with state and local public health and emergency management officials to identify low-risk activities and implement an event plan that will help us protect each other.  

While this year's Lumbee Homecoming may look a little different, what will never change is the love for our heritage and our culture that will proudly be on display June 25 - July 3. In the coming weeks, we will be preparing a schedule of events for this week that will comply with all existing state and local guidelines. As the planning progresses and new information is available, we will share this information with you to help you make your participation plans. 

COVID has changed many things this last year, but what has not changed is our commitment to celebrating the Lumbee people. So that we may safely come together at as many events as possible, we ask everyone to please continue wearing a face covering when in public, maintaining appropriate social distancing, and consider getting your COVID-19 vaccine.