State Employee Combined Campaign Underway at UNC Pembroke

State Employee Combined Campaign (SECC) co-chairs Ronette Gerber (left) and Dr. Joanna Hersey hopes to inspire their colleagues to step up for the 2022 campaign

During the months of October through December each year, UNC Pembroke participates in the North Carolina State Employee Combined Campaign (SECC).

This campaign was launched in 1984 to encourage campus employees to donate in support of local charities, through a statewide endeavor led by the UNC System Office. With the goal of organizing the power of system employees to make social change, the charities included in the campaign have been fully vetted and represent many different areas of community service.

Donations may be made to support a wide range of community activities, with popular areas for giving supporting efforts to combat food insecurity, and areas of animal welfare, veterans’ affairs, and health care. No state monies are used to fund the campaign, and each campus maintains its own teams to oversee the donation process.

During the 2021 campaign, UNCP donated over $16K through the generosity of almost 20% of the campus workforce, placing UNCP in fifth place for the number of donors in the campus system, behind UNC Chapel Hill, N.C. State University, East Carolina University and UNC Greensboro.

Chancellor Robin Gary Cummings kicked off this year’s campaign with a call for donations, “UNCP has been an active participant in this campaign, but with the challenges we've all faced over the last few years, more than ever, our state and communities need our support. I hope you will join me in contributing to a charity of your choice. With hundreds to choose from, surely there is one that calls to you. As always, if you would like your gift to remain close to home, you can select the UNCP Foundation as your beneficiary.”

UNC Pembroke’s SECC team hopes to inspire their colleagues to step up again for the 2022 campaign. “I made my donation through the SECC because a small amount from me, combined with others who have the same vision, can make big changes to our community,” shares SECC co-chair Joanna Hersey, associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences and professor of Music. SECC co-chair Ronette Gerber, director of the Title IX and Clery Compliance Office, feels the same, “I donate because my political vote only goes so far; my donation allows me to speak for a cause I believe in with my money.”

Incentives include weekly Amazon $25 Gift Cards for lucky winners drawn from that week’s list of donors. Donations can be made through payroll deduction for as little as $3.00 monthly, or by one-time credit card payment through the online payment system found here. Employees are encouraged to search the nearly 900 charities for a cause that resonates and shows their BraveNation spirit through their gift.

Taken together, each small gift makes a powerful impact.