Student Profile: English Minor Gretchen Gillenwater Combines Interests in Science and Literature, Looks Forward to Graduate Study in Meteorology


Q: Why did you decide to minor in English at UNCP, and what do you enjoy about your coursework and faculty?


A: I was supposed to graduate a semester early, but after quite a bit of contemplation, I realized that was not the best avenue for me. I decided to pick up a minor but had trouble deciding on one. I talked to my advisors, who recommended I give an English minor a shot since it has always been one of my interests, along with science. This is my first semester as an English minor, and the faculty could not be more welcoming. All my professors take the time with me if I don’t understand something or struggle with a concept. I’m excited to continue my last couple of semesters as an English minor.


Q: How has your study of English supported you in your other academic pursuits, such as taking part in your research in meteorology in Oklahoma in summer 2024?


A: My greatest passion has always been meteorology. However, before this internship, I thought that meant purely science-related research. My mentor, Dr. Daphne LaDue, and I had lengthy conversations about how weather information is useless if only meteorologists can understand it. She does research at the intersection of social sciences and meteorology. Something that was brought up during my research is that weather information is useless if no one except meteorologists can understand it. A big portion of my research was about improving the presentation of meteorological information so that it is easier to understand for the layperson. The minor in English helped me come to Oklahoma with an outstanding background in academic writing, which I think helped me greatly with the subject matter of my project. If you want to read more, my project Information can be found at this link:


Q: What are your plans for life after graduation?


A: I want to apply to graduate school for meteorology; I am working on applications now. I hope to do research in the social sciences of meteorology, like what I did over the summer. However, I get in where I get in, so I will not be picky about what project I do. I know I will enjoy anything I look into!


Interview conducted via email by Scott Hicks on Sept. 19, 2024. Click here for a photo of Gillenwater, pictured at the NC Academy of Science meeting at East Carolina University in April 2023, presenting a research poster, “Hurricane-induced Tornados,” for which she won the John Bowley Derleux Research Award recognizing first-place honors in the ecology, botany and zoology category.