Pathway MBA

Did you know you can earn your BSBA and MBA in ONLY 5 YEARS? 

Undergraduate Privilege

Use up to 12 hours of graduate coursework to complete undergraduate degree requirements AND get a head start on your MBA.

pathway mba
  • Have successfully completed 75 hours of course credit (at least 24 credit hours at UNCP).
  • Have at least a 3.0 GPA at UNCP.
  • Receive approval to take graduate courses.

  • Graduate course grades do NOT count in one's undergraduate GPA.
  • Up to 12 hours MAY count toward a graduate degree at UNCP depending on program and courses.
  • Graduate course grades count in graduate GPA and toward the graduate regulation of three "Cs" or one "F" dismissal.
  • Permission to take graduate courses does not guarantee future admission into a graduate program.
  • If course(s) count toward completion of undergraduate degree, financial aid may apply.
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