
Achievements Reported to the Dean in 2024

Robin Snead (English, Theatre, and World Languages) "Allyship and Abundance: Teaching Writing with Responsibility to and Respect of Local Native Knowledges." Conference on College Composition and Communication Annual Convention. Spokane, WA. April 2024.

Joseph Sweet (English, Theatre, and World Languages), “‘What Just Happened Here?’: Storying Techniques of Podcasts as Humanizing Research Methodologies.” Literacy Research Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. December 2023.

Joseph Sweet (English, Theatre, and World Languages), “Becoming More Humanizing: Critical Reciprocal Mentoring through Caring Collaboration.” The National Council for Teachers of English Annual Convention. Columbus, OH. November 2023.

Joseph Sweet (English, Theatre, and World Languages), “Cultivating Critical Consciousness: Connecting Preservice Teachers, Pop Culture, and Critical Media Literacy.” The National Council for Teachers of English Annual Convention. Columbus, OH. November 2023.

Charles Tita (English, Theater, and World Languages), “Laurence Sterne (1713-1768) and Ignatius Sancho (1729-1780) in London: Voices of Dissent.” South Central Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (SCSECS) Conference.  Portland, OR. February 2024

Richard Vela (English, Theatre, and World Languages), "The Political Assassination Film as Genre." Southwest Popular/American Culture Association. Albuquerque, NM. February 2024.

Achievements Reported to the Dean in 2023

Baldwin, Dianna, Elise Dixon (English, Theatre, and World Languages), Rachel Robinson-Zetzer, and Trixie Smith. “I Am/Have Been/Want to Be a Writing Center Administrator! Now What?: A Roundtable Discussion for New, Continuing, and Senior WC Administrators.” International Writing Centers Association. Baltimore, MD. October 2023.

Nicole Caswell, Elise Dixon (English, Theatre, and World Languages), Marilee Brooks-Gillies, and Trixie Smith. “Bridging Institutional and Disciplinary Gaps: Supporting Social Justice Work for Writing Center Administrators.” International Writing Centers Association Conference. Baltimore, MD. October 2023.

Melissa Schaub (English, Theatre, and World Languages) "Canary in the Coal Mine: Great Expectations and the Relevance of Victorian Literature." Victorians Institute. Raleigh, NC. October 2023.

Richard Vela (English, Theatre, and World Languages) "Film and the Problem of Gender Disguise in Shakespeare's Plays." The Medieval-Renaissance Conference XXXVI. University of Virginia College at Wise. Wise, VA. September 2023.

Richard Vela (English, Theatre, and World Languages) "The Assassination of JFK, 60 Years of Fiction and Films" Popular Culture Association in the South & American Culture Association in the South. PCAS/ACAS. New Orleans, LA. September 2023.

Achievements Reported to the Dean in 2022

Scott Hicks (Teaching & Learning Center, English, Theatre & World Languages) Miko Nino (Online Learning) "Connecting Career Learning and Career Readiness through ePortfolios,” Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA. February 2022.

Zachary Laminack (English, Theatre & World Languages) “Tracing the Influence of Indigenous Protest on Vonnegut’s Philosophies of Care,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Baltimore, MD. March 2022.

Ana Cecilia Lara   “Las fronteras y las transgresiones del cuerpo en la novela ‘El verbo J’ de Claudia Hernández,” presented at the XXIX Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica. San Juan, Puerto Rico. March 2022.

Robin Snead (English, Theatre & World Languages), Panelist for the roundtable “Using Our Power: The MLA, Advocacy, and Academic Labor,” MLA Convention 2022, Washington DC. January 2022.*

Robin Snead (English, Theatre & World Languages), “When ‘You’re Accepted’ Doesn’t Seem Like a Welcome: Constellations of Writing, Race, and Belonging in a Bridge Program Composition Course at a NASNTI Institution,” presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication Annual Convention, March 2022.

Richard Vela (English, Theatre & World Languages) “Shakespeare's Assassins” presented at the Popular Culture Association /American Culture Association Conference. April 2022.*

Achievements Reported to the Dean in 2021

Michele Fazio (English, Theatre & World Languages), “Remembering Sacco and Vanzetti: Where Do We Go From Here?,” Presented at the Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Society cosponsored by the Community of Church of Boston, August 2021.  

Michele Fazio (English, Theatre & World Languages), "The (In)Visibility of Sacco and Vanzetti in the Federal Writers’ Project," National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute: The New Deal Era’s Federal Writers’ Project: History, Politics, and Legacy.” August 2021. 

Michele Fazio (English, Theatre & World Languages), “The Sacco & Vanzetti Trial 100 Years Later: A Historic Perspective and Parallels to Today,” Dedham Historical Society, June 2021.  

Michele Fazio (English, Theatre & World Languages), "Teaching Woody Guthrie and the Precarity of the Present." Annual Conference of the Working-Class Studies Association. Youngstown State University, June 2021. 

Laura Hakala (English, Theatre & World Languages), "Dismantling Confederate Literary Monuments with Ellen Hunter: A Story of the War." Presented at the Children's Literature Association Conference, June 2021.*

Zachary Laminack (English, Theatre & World Languages), “Forgetting Red Power: Slaughterhouse-Five, Indigenous Protest, and Vonnegut’s Critique of Settler Colonialism,” presented for a Roundtable of the Kurt Vonnegut Society at the 32nd Annual Conference of the American Literature Association, July 2021.*

Zachary Laminack (English, Theatre & World Languages), “Fiction’s about what it means to be a f-cking human being’: Sincerity, Sexuality, and David Foster Wallace’s The Broom of the System,” presented at the 32nd Annual Conference of the American Literature Association, July 2021.*

Joseph Sweet (English, Theatre & World Languages) & Zachary Laminack (English, Theatre and World Languages), "Delinquent Inquiry under Repressive Apparatus." Presented  at International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 2021.*

Joseph Sweet (English, Theatre & World Languages) and Susan Cannon, "Unmastering Pedagogies." Panel Presentation at International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 2021.*

Mayo, Russell, Elise Dixon (English, Theatre & World Languages), and Eric Camarillo presented “Pandemic Exigencies: Technology, Togetherness, and Tutoring.” International Writing Centers Association Conference. Online. 21 October 2021.

Zachary Laminack (English, Theatre & World Languages) presented “Distance and (Dys)uptopia: Slaughterhouse-Five, Settler Colonialism, and the Politics of Fate.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association, November 2021.*

Zachary Laminack (English, Theatre & World Languages) presented “Revolt and Revulsion: Repatriation and the Limits of Settler Sensation in Anna Lee Walters’s Ghost Singer.” Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, October 2021.*

Melissa Schaub (English, Theatre & World Languages) presented “The Spectacle of Englishness: Lord Fauntleroy Gazes Back," the Victorians Institute meeting, Charlotte, NC, October 2021.

Laura Hakala (English, Theatre & World Languages), “The Architecture of Girlhood: Building American Spaces in Louisa Tuthill's Children's Novels,” Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference, Baltimore, MD. November 2021.

Jason Griffith, Anthony Celaya, Joseph D. Sweet (English, Theatre & World Languages), “Talking Process: A Discourse Analysis of Podcast Process Texts Reveals Community Cultural Wealth.” Literacy Research Association Annual Conference. December 2021.

Joseph D. Sweet (English, Theatre & World Languages) and Anthony Celaya, “Multimodal Exploration of Identity in The Music of What Happens.” National Council for Teachers of English Annual Convention. November 2021.*