Adverse Weather

University leadership is monitoring Hurricane Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.

Safety and Health Manual: Chapter VII

Fire Safety

Police and Public Safety Policy  PS 09 00h

A. Purpose. To acquaint all faculty, and staff with specific instructions about which special means of protection are necessary to prevent serious injury, impairment, or jeopardy of one's health and life, or damage to state property by fire at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke.
B. Scope. This applies to The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, all University employees, students, and activities.
C. Policy. It is the policy of this University to protect employees, students, and visitors in the event of a fire. All employees will observe current health and safety directives, codes, regulations, and procedures on fire as they pertain to personnel.
D. General.

1. In the event of fire, be calm. Fear and panic can oftentimes do more damage than the fire.
2. General Steps To Follow:
If a fire occurs, any person can activate the fire alarm. Once the alarm has been activated, someone should immediately call the University Police at Ext. 6235 or 6795 and state the location of the alarm and give as many details as possible. This action needs to be taken immediately so as to verify a true alarm. All employees should direct the students to exit the building according to the exit routes. All students and University personnel should move at least one hundred and fifty (150) feet from the building. The fire alarm will continue to sound until the source of the fire has been determined and steps have been taken to prevent entry into the facility. The University Police will notify individuals when they may return to the building.
In the event of a true fire, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke will use the RACE concept where the acronym of RACE is defined as follows:

R. REMOVE ALL PERSONS at least one hundred and fifty feet (150) from the building. Close doors. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS.
A. ALARM - Pull the fire alarm box lever down nearest to the fire. Call the following:

Dial Extension 6235, University Police, or Dial Extension 6795, If no answer, dial \"9-911\"

Give the location, as many details as possible and identify yourself.
C. CONFINE FIRE - Close all doors in the immediate vicinity of the fire.

E. Fire Fighting Equipment

1. Portable Fire Extinguishers

a. Portable fire extinguishers are located throughout all buildings. Extinguishers are the quickest, easiest and the first equipment to be used in fighting a fire.
b. This University has three (3) basic types of fire extinguishers on campus.

ABC - This type of extinguisher may be used on all types of fire, including those involving wood, paper, flammable liquids and electrical equipment.
Water - This type of extinguisher may be used on wood, paper, or cloth materials only.
CO2 - This type of extinguisher may be used on flammable liquids or \"live\" electrical equipment.

2. Fire extinguishers will be inspected monthly for pressure reading, placement of pin seal, and for any obvious physical damage.
3. Annual training will be provided by the Office of Safety and Health.
4. If at any time extinguishers are discharged, the Facilities Operations Department must be immediately notified in order that they may be recharged (Extension 6233).
5. Facts Regarding University Fire Extinguishers:

a. Pull safety pin. b. Squeeze the two handles together and aim nozzle at the base of the fire.

a. Pull safety pin. b. Squeeze handles together and aim nozzle at fire and quench entire fire area.
a. Pull safety pin. b. Squeeze levers together and aim nozzle at fire and smother entire fire area.

F. Using the Materials at Hand. Fire emergencies do not always occur \"according to the book\". In many cases a fire can be handled faster and more effectively by quick action with a blanket, mattress pad, or vase of water. Immediate use of materials at hand may be the best action, provided it will do the job.
G. Fire Protection Plan. The Fire Protection Plan will be posted on a bulletin board in all departments for all employees' information. The information is of a specific nature to be followed in the event of fire.
H. Fire Drills. The Office of Safety and Health will schedule and conduct one fire drill annually for each building unless interim life safety measures dictate more frequent drills. The drill will be a complete exercise of the fire plan. All departments and all personnel are required to participate. A Fire Drill Record and Critique Report, will be utilized for documentation of fire drills and for follow-up action on problems identified during the drills.
The Fire Drill Record and Critique will be prepared and forwarded to the appropriate Vice Chancellor/or Department. The report will list problems observed during the drills. Vice Chancellor/or Department heads are required to evaluate the report, take corrective action, document the action taken on the report, and return a copy of the report to the Safety Officer within 2 weeks of receipt.
I. Fire Safety. The Facilities Operations Department, in conjunction with the Office of Safety and Health, is responsible for ensuring that periodic inspection/testing and maintenance of systems and equipment is conducted and documented according to the following:

Fire Alarm Circuits Sprinkler Flow Alarm Main Control Valve Damper Switch Smoke Doors Smoke Detectors Smoke Dampers Dry Chemical Extinguishing System Fire Extinguishers Fire Hydrants Fire Dampers Emergency Generators

J. Code Compliance. The current edition of the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code and North Carolina Building Codes shall be the basis of evaluation of building construction and fire protection features.
K. Heating Devices. The use of space heaters and hot plates are not permitted in The University of North Carolina at Pembroke buildings.
L. Fire Safety Review of Construction Drawing. The Department of Planning and Construction and/or the Safety Officer shall review project drawings and specifications prior to construction.
M. Open Flame, Spark-Producing and Heat Permits.

1. GENERAL: Permits are required for all open flame, spark producing or heat producing equipment used within the University. Facilities Operations Shop Supervisors issue these permits.
Permits shall be issued on a daily basis for all open-flame or spark-producing work.

a. Work locations will be inspected. Necessary precautions will be taken and the proper fire extinguisher is to be available at work location.
b. Fire watch by name required.
c. A Safety Officer will be consulted on the safety aspect of work to be accomplished.

3. FINAL CHECK: The work area, and all adjacent areas to which sparks and heat might have spread, will be inspected for at least 30 minutes after the work has been completed.

N. References.
O. Rescissions.