Miss Indian North Carolina Jayla Locklear reading Remember by Joy Harjo
Us Poet Laureate Joy Harjo's iconic poem Remember, invites readers to pause and reflect on the wonder of the world around them, and to remember the importance of their place in it. The picture book adaptation of the renowned poem, illustrated by Caldecott Medalist Michaela Goade (Tlingit/Haida), encourages young readers to reflect on family, nature, and their heritage, and to pay close attention to who they are, the world they were born into, and how all inhabitants on Earth are connected.

Diane Blue Brooks Britt reading Simon the Snake
Simon and his new friends play games in the forest. When his best pal, Rabbie Rabbit, suggests they play a game of Forest Friends baseball, Simon feels left out. Read how friends can work together to make sure each has a role to play.

Ashtyn Skye Thomas reading Finding My Dance
At four years old, Ria Thundercloud was brought into the powwow circle, ready to dance in the special jingle dress her mother made for her. As she grew up, she danced with her brothers all over Indian country. Then Ria learned more styles--tap, jazz, ballet--but still loved the expressiveness of Indigenous dance. And despite feeling different as one of the only Native American kids in her school, she always knew she could turn to dance to cheer herself up.
Pamela Cashwell reading What your Ribbon Skirt Means to Me
Dr. Brittany Hunt Reading Whoz Ya People
Greg Jacobs reading We are Water Protectors
JD Moore reading Bowwow Powwow by Brenda Child
Charly Lowry reading Be a Good Ancestor
Lumbee Tribal Chairman John Lowery reading Rock Your Mocs
Dr. Lawerence Locklear reading We are Grateful
Tonya Holy Elk reading The Christmas Coat