Winter Weather Advisory

Based on the forecasted potential for inclement weather including freezing rain, the university will transition to Condition 1—Reduced Operations status at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025, and all evening classes beginning after 5 p.m. will transition to online learning. Read more >>

Life by the River Project

Life by the River Logo
Life by the River Logo

The Life by the River Project is a grouping of museum programs that focus on North Carolina's American Indian Tribal communities' relationship to their indigenous waters. Each North Carolina American Indian tribe is situated near or on a river that holds cultural, spiritual, historical, and contemporary meaning and importance to their people. "Indigenous waters" not only includes rivers, but Carolina Bays, swamps, and ocean shores that also hold the same meanings. This project shares first person stories and experiences of Native peoples through their relationship with their waters. The Life by the River Project is organized by three features: film documentary, exhibition, and youth programing. 


To learn more about the Life by the River Project please contact the Museum of the Southeast American Indian at or 910-521-6282.

Canoe Song Workshops

Waccamaw Siouan Seal
Waccamaw Siouan Canoe Song Workshop

Photos from the Waccamaw Siouan Canoe Song Workshop

Lumbee Tribe Seal
Lumbee Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

Photos from the Lumbee Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

Coharie Tribe Seal
Coharie Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

Photos from the Coharie Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

Occaneechi Seal
Occaneechi Band of Saponi Nation Canoe Song Workshop

Photos from the Occaneechi Band of Saponi Nation Canoe Song Workshop

Haliwa-Saponi Seal
Haliwa-Saponi Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

Photos from the Haliwa-Saponi Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

LBR Logo
Life By the River Summer Camp

Photos and Videos from the Life by the River Summer Camp

Meherrin Tribal Seal
Meherrin Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

Photos and Videos from the Meherrin Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

Sappony Tribal Seal
Sappony Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

Photos and Videos from the Sappony Tribe Canoe Song Workshop.

Great Seal of the Catawba Indian Nation
Catawba Tribe Canoe Song Workshop

Photos and Videos from the Catawba Nation Canoe Song Workshop.

Dugout Canoe Completion


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