Chair: Crystal Walline
Secretary: Melissa Buice
This committee is charged with updating UNCP’s student evaluation of instruction (SEI) procedures and instruments. The two major tasks include rewriting the SEI sections of the faculty handbook to reflect an online-only SEI process that evaluates every faculty member every semester, both graduate and undergraduate, and develop new undergraduate and graduate SEI instruments. The Special Committee on Student Evaluation of Instruction will report its findings and recommendations to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee; the SEI Chair will also attend the monthly meetings of the Faculty Evaluation Review Subcommittee and provide them with updates.
Committee Members
- Crystal Walline, Chair (NSM)
- Melissa Buice, Secretary (ART)
- Theresa Schlosser (CHS)
- Beth Holder (EDN)
- Anthony Johnson (LETT)
- Abby Nance (SBS)
- Roger Ladd (Graduate Council)
- Chunmei Yao and Kwango (Terry) Kim (Institutional Research)
The Special Committee on Student Evaluation of Instruction meets on the fourth Thursday of the month or more often if needed.
Select here to access the monthly meeting Agenda and Minutes
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