NC Promise Frequently Asked Questions

NC Promise Tuition Plan FAQ


For more information, we encourage you to contact the following departments at any time. 

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Office of Financial Aid

Student Accounts/Cashier (Bursar)


When will did the NC Promise Tuition Plan go into effect?

The NC Promise Tuition Plan took effect in the 2018 fall academic semester.


Will the reduced tuition lessen the quality of education at UNCP?

No! The NC Promise Tuition Plan will not affect our accreditations, academic offerings, student support or campus experience. In fact, we believe by strategically attracting additional students, the plan will result in an enhanced learning environment.


How do we expect the NC Promise Tuition Plan to impact UNCP?

The preferential tuition rate will allow us to attract additional top students from across North Carolina, across the nation and internationally, increasing diversity while remaining committed to our historic mission. Additionally, the plan will allow UNCP’s merit scholarship funds to go further and impact more students.


Will the state guarantee to cover the cost of lost tuition receipts for UNCP?

Conversations with legislators resulted in the inclusion of state funding to cover the cost of reduced tuition revenue resulting from the enactment of the NC Promise Tuition Plan. The provision means the legislature will match dollar for dollar the difference between our full tuition price and the NC Promise Plan Tuition Plan cost. The end result is affordability for students without sacrificing our quality or identity.


How will the plan affect enrollment at UNCP?

We anticipate growth as a result of this plan. Working with our Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, and staff, we will strategically increase enrollment while ensuring we do not outgrow our infrastructure. With additional students will come additional resources.


Will UNC Pembroke lose its unique identity?

No. The legislation directs the UNC Board of Governors to give consideration for our unique historical character and mission of service to minority, first-generation and economically disadvantaged students.


Why was UNCP included in this plan when having experienced growth in recent years?

Legislative leaders said they selected universities from the mountains to the coast to ensure all North Carolinians have an affordable option for higher education.


What is the current typical cost of attendance at UNCP and what will it be under the NC Promise Tuition Plan?

Although the NC Promise Tuition Plan will reduce students’ cost of attendance, their financial contribution toward a UNCP education is still significant. In-state students save approximately $2,600 a year or more than $10,000 over four years. Out-of-state students will save more than $10,000 a year or approximately $40,000 over four years! Tuition, fees and other estimated costs are detailed below. 


Typical full-year cost for IN-STATE, full-time undergraduate student living OFF CAMPUS

  Current (2021-2022)
Tuition $1,000
Fees $2,496
Health Insurance $2,617
TOTAL $6,113


Typical full-year cost for OUT-OF-STATE, full-time undergraduate student living OFF CAMPUS

  Current (2021-2022)
Tuition $5,000
Fees $2,496
Health Insurance $2,617
TOTAL $10,113


Typical full-year cost for IN-STATE, full-time undergraduate student living ON CAMPUS

  Current (2021-2022)
Tuition $1,000
Fees $2,496
*Room and Board $9,450
Health Insurance $2,617
TOTAL $15,563


Typical full-year cost for OUT-OF-STATE, full-time undergraduate student living ON CAMPUS

  Current (2021-2022)
Tuition $5,000
Fees $2,496
*Room and Board $9,450
Health Insurance $2,617
TOTAL $19,563

*Cost of room and board varies depending on plan selection. The above represents the minimum. Fees, insurance and room and board are based on current rates as of this publication.


Does the reduced tuition mean UNCP will spend less on educating students?

No. The NC Promise Tuition Plan simply shifts a greater portion of the cost from our students to the state, strengthening North Carolina’s investment in our campus.


How will this affect our economy?

A 2014 economic analysis found UNCP created $256.3 million in added regional income, equivalent to creating 5,171 new jobs. The university’s economic impact will grow as our enrollment increases due to the NC Promise Tuition Plan.


How will the NC Promise Tuition Plan affect admission to UNCP?

UNCP will continue to apply admission requirements that meet or exceed requirements established by the UNC Board of Governors. We expect the NC Promise Tuition Plan to increase demand for a UNCP education. This will allow UNCP to increase the overall academic standing of admitted classes while retaining the university’s diversity and commitment to its historic mission.


Does the NC Promise Tuition Plan affect the tuition for UNCP's Graduate School?

No. Only undergraduate tuition rates for in-state and out-of-state students are affected by the NC Promise Tuition Plan.

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