Student Services for Online Students

In order to resolve Canvas or Examity issues for online students, please contact the following resources for assistance.
Canvas Issues:                                                         Examity Issues:                     

UNCP DoIT - Phone: 910.521.6260                                Phone: 1-855-392-6489 (1-855-Examity)                                  

Email:                                             1-617-500-6524                                                          

ITSM Service Portal                                                           Email:                                             

Remote Support Portal                                                    Chat feature on your Examity dashboard                                 

Canvas 24/7 Support                                                   More Information: UNCP Proctoring Services                       

Students: 1-844-864-5302                                                                 

Live Chat - Students


student working on laptop

Newly Admitted Online Students

Congratulations on your acceptance to UNC Pembroke! Now that you have been accepted, there are several items you should complete.

Online Session

Academic Advising and Academic Engagement

The Office of Online Learning has partnered with the Center for Student Success to make sure our online learners have access to the necessary tools and resources to be academically successful. 

Student Holding Book

Library Services

The Mary Livermore Library provides convenient access to collections and resources to all members of the university community, regardless of location or course format. 

Tutor Session

Tutoring Services

Online tutoring services are available for students that cannot travel to the UNC Pembroke main campus through the Center for Student Success (CSS).

The Writing Center offers online tutoring. Please click this link to go to their webpage.

Student in Class

University Registrar Office

Undergraduate online students must submit a course withdrawal request. This form is provided in the link below.

For all other student related matters, please contact the Registrar's Office for assistance.

Teacher & Student

Student Affairs Services and Programs

Engage each student in a unique, inclusive campus community focused on their development, support, and success.

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