Adverse Weather

University leadership is monitoring Hurricane Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.

Fall 2006

HON 100 Contemporary Public Issues

90 Dr. Liz Normandy

T/R 11:00-12:15

This course examines selected contemporary political issues and trends, with emphasis on the influence of major political and social arrangements and institutions that play an active role in international politics. Topics covered may include: international trade, economic development, wars, arms control, terrorism, ethnic conflict, human rights, status of women, population growth, food security, and environmental degradation. The class will serve as a forum for debate about a number of these issues.

91 Dr. Charles Harrington

T/R 11:00-12:15

This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary public issues concerning the United States and the world. Particular emphasis will be given to the implication of global economic policy issues. By the end of the course, you will be familiar with current events and issues facing world society. We will work towards understanding the complexity of economic issues by studying multiple perspectives and engaging in intellectual inquiry, discussion, and debate.

HON 200 Humanistic Tradition I: From the Ancient World to The Reformation

Dr. Robert Brown

MF 10:00-11:15

The Humanistic Tradition is an interdisciplinary seminar in the humanities that introduces mankindÕs most enduring creations in art, architecture, literature, thought, and music. It begins with the invention of civilization in the Near East and concludes with the Protestant Reformation. Owing to the overwhelming importance of Greek civilization, one of the three major roots (the Classical) of our western cultural tradition, for the subsequent history of western art, architecture, literature, and thought, we will give an extended study to this ancient people and the many superlative works conceived and constructed by them. We will next, after venturing but a passing glance at the Hellenistic era and the Ògrandeur that was Rome,Ó focus our attention on the origin, nature, and early history of the Christian religion, the second of our cultural roots (the Judeo-Christian), and on that great medieval civilization, rooted in the culture of the Germanic barbarians (the third of our cultural roots) yet permeated with the spirit of Christianity, that grew up, flourished, and then declined in the thousand years between AD 500 and 1500. Our semester will conclude with a study of new movements in the arts and in thought that appeared during the Late Middle Ages and that gave birth to the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation, the beginning of modern times. The course concentrates on representative cultural centers (such as Classical Athens, Hellenistic Pergamon, Imperial Rome, Christian Ravenna, the medieval monastery, the Romanesque pilgrimage church, the Gothic cathedral, or Renaissance Florence) at a time when a singularly high point of cultural development had been reached and when such a distinct style had emerged and so penetrated the arts, architecture, and thought as to give each civilization an unusually high degree of unity and integration.

HON 251 Horizons in Math and Computer Science

Dr. Steve Bourquin

MW 2:30-3:45

This course will be a collection of topics meant to better acquaint students with mathematics. Though the final syllabus has not been determined, we will begin the semester with sets and base numbers with an emphasis on base two, the binary system. At some point in the semester, we will do an in-depth focus on elementary statistics, descriptive and inferential. Other key mathematical topics to be covered in this course are probability, logic, graphs, functions, systems of linear equations, and geometry.

ENG 105 Honors

90 Dr. Susan Cannata

T/R 12:30-1:45

This course is designed to give students practice composing personal and informative essays. Writers will learn how to use their experiences, their ideas, and the ideas of others to create polished, academic essays. Activities include prewriting, drafting, revising, peer review, and editing. Course reading selections are designed to expose writers to a variety of ideas and may cover such topics as education, identity, worldview, and power relations.

91 Dr. Pat Valenti

T/R 12:30-1:45

ENG105 fulfills the Freshman Composition I requirement while students reflect upon those factors that constitute a person's identity. Who, exactly, are you? What makes you--you? Reading and discussion leads to writing about the ways in which identity is constructed through the performance of gender, race, ethnicity, and other factors.

HST 114 Honors

Dr. Charles Beem

T/R 9:30-10:45

The purpose of this course is to acquaint honors students with historical concepts and contexts of a global nature. As cross-cultural pollination is a key feature in the contemporary creation of global cultural forms, this course will explore the beginnings of this process to the dawn of the modern era.

GLY 115 Honors

Dr. Lee Phillips

T/R 2:00-3:15

The Honors section of Earth Science will cover all the concepts of the regular course; including geology, oceanography, and meteorology. This course counts as a Science General Education course. The class will address the above concepts in slightly more detail than regular sections and will look to current geologic events as case studies. Students will engage in class discussions and presentations. A fieldtrip to view local geology will be arranged if possible.

ART 202 Honors

Dr. John Labadie

MWF 12:00-12:50

The Honors Digital Arts Appreciation looks at how digital computing evolved from the work of Pythagoras in ancient Greece up to and including the practices of contemporary new media digital artists. Students can expect to experience a challenging journey through ideas and centuries of creative works guided by presentations, lectures and digitally-focused activities of various types.

FRS 100 Honors

90 Dr. Allen Meadors 9:00-9:50 M/W

91 Dr. Jesse Peters 9:00-9:50 M/W