Honors Seminar Courses
- HON 2000-900: The Humanistic Tradition I: From the Ancient World to 1500 | Dr. Roger Ladd | TR 12:30-1:45 | CRN 21597 | Writing Enriched
- HON 2520-900: Mathematical Concepts and Applications | Dr. Elliott Hollifield | TR 11:00-12:15 | CRN 21598
- HON 2750-900: The Individual in Society | Dr. Mark Milewicz | MW 8:00-9:15 | CRN 21599
- HON 3200-900: Service-Learning Practicum | Dr. Teagan Decker | W 12:30-1:20 | CRN 21600
- HON 4000-900: Research Methods and Prospectus | Dr. Joshua Busman | Online (Asynchronous) | CRN 21601
- HON 4500-900: Honors Thesis/Project | Dr. Joshua Busman | Online (Asynchronous) | CRN 21602
Discipline Specific Honors Courses
- AIS/ENG 2200-900: American Indian Literature | Dr. Jane Haladay | MW 9:30-10:45 | CRN 20561 | Service Learning | Writing Enriched | Indigenous Cultures and Communities
- ENG 1060-900: Composition II | Dr. Elise Dixon | TR 9:30-10:45 | CRN 21029
- ENG 1060-901: Composition II | Dr. Elise Dixon | TR 11:00-12:15 | CRN 21031
- HST 1020-900: American Civilization Since 1877 | Dr. Ryan Anderson | MW 11:00-12:15 | CRN 20718