ADAAA Policy

Part I: Policy Statement In compliance with federal civil rights law relating to persons with disabilities the University of North Carolina at Pembroke is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination solely on the basis of disabilities status.

Part II: Rights and Responsibilities A. The Library Mary Livermore Library recognizes that their basic responsibility is to identify and maintain the academic and technical standards that are fundamental to providing quality resources while ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities. To meet this obligation, Mary Livermore Library:

  • have the responsibility to ensure that all of its resources, viewed in their entirety, are accessible.
  • have the right to select among equally effective methods of accommodating persons with disabilities.
  • have the right to refer persons with disabilities to the appropriate agency with requests for accommodations that exceed those currently possible at the libraries.
  • have the right to deny a request for services for persons with disabilities. If a request is denied, the libraries have the responsibility to inform the individual of the reasons for the denial.

B. Persons with Disabilities Persons with disabilities have the right to an equal opportunity to use and benefit from resources at the Library. To ensure this right, persons with disabilities:

  • have the responsibility to identify themselves as needing appropriate, reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities.
  • have the responsibility for making their needs known in a timely manner.
  • have the same obligation as any library user to comply with library policy and procedures.
  • have the responsibility to follow procedures for services for persons with disabilities, and to do so in a timely manner.
  • have the right to confidentiality of all information regarding their disability. Persons with disabilities have the right to choose to whom information about their disability will be disclosed.

Definitions \"Persons with disabilities\" means persons who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, have a record of such impairment, or are regarded as having such impairment.

\"Reasonable and appropriate accommodations\" means facilities modifications and/or service adjustments determined by library staff in consultation with the disabled library user, Accessibility Resource Center (ARC), or other appropriate resource. Assistive technology and assistance with book retrieval and photocopying are examples of reasonable and appropriate accommodations.

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