CHSP Testimonials from Participants

CHSP Testimonials

I am extremely grateful to have been a part of this program.  I was blessed with wonderful opportunities and experiences that not only encouraged me, but also gave me insight to into my career of choice.

Jacob Oxendine-2024


I think the internship this summer was a great opportunity.  I absolutely loved getting to hear about other people experiences. Overall, this summer program was great, and I loved it.

Anyla Hunt-2024


I’m very thankful for the clinical experience that I got through CHSP.  I learned a lot and for that I am grateful.  I’ve always wanted to be a veterinarian and through this internship I got the full experience.  I know I am certain that this is the career that I want to pursue. CHSP is an excellent program that I would recommend to anyone wanting a career in the health field.

Orenda Locklear-2024


Overall, my CHSP experience was very informative and granted me a lot of exposure to different area of the medical field, so I could come to a possible decision of what kind of PA I'd like to be in the future.  During my experience with the Outer Banks Hospital, I was a little disappointed that they wouldn't let me be hands-on even though I asked, but there were plenty of kind people willing to help me learn.  Lastly, I enjoyed the educational week and thought it was great, but next year I hope to find a preceptor that specifies in the PA field more and allows me to be hands-on to fully experience the program.

Manuel Perez-2024


After this internship experience, I think I have a newfound love for urgent care.  Being involved in any aspect of the clinic has been rewarding as I was able to get a realistic perspective on how each department collectively works together to provide patient care.  I am more excited than ever to pursue a career in medicine.

Rosa Parker-2024


A wonderful opportunity to gain real world experience in a veterinary office.  It allowed me to gain a realistic view of the field and what a full-time job will be like.  It gave me the opportunity to network, gain hands on experience, and ask questions.

Tiana Lowry-2024


My time with the CHSP program was amazing.  It allowed me to get a better insight and understanding of what career path I want to pursue.

Natalie Evington-2024


This internship confirmed my decision to apply to PA school.  I had the opportunity to see the healthcare setting from a variety of perspectives while understanding how each role impacts the treatment of patients. This internship will off you the opportunity to experience what it’s like in a healthcare setting in different fields.

Ethan Wilkins-2024


I really did enjoy this internship, I thought it was a great learning experience and it opened more opportunities for me.  I want to thank HCAP and Allen Orthopedics for giving me the chance to have my first shadowing experience.

Ubada Saada-2024


 I really enjoyed my experience with CHSP.  I would recommend this program to anyone pursuing a career in the medical field, whether that be animals or humans.  It gave me so much insight into my degree in Veterinary medicine.

Mackenzie Locklear-2024


This has been a great experience for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I learned so much about the veterinary field and had a fantastic time throughout each week during this internship.

Daniel Seethaler-2024


CHSP is a great opportunity for the pre-health students to witness firsthand what their future career choice consists of.  I’ve always been interested in being a PA in women’s health but after completing the internship, I am now more drawn to emergency medicine.  CHSP is a good way to get your foot in the door.

Sarah Alhobishi-2024


The CHSP summer internship program helped me to truly understand what my career field expects of me and to also allow me to experience that life for 6 weeks.  I really got to learn a lot about the world of Physical Therapy, whether that be the good or the bad and build lasting relationships along the way.  I enjoyed everything about the CHSP Internship and would recommend it to everyone.

Hunter Powell-2024


The opportunities CHSP provided solidified my desire to become a dentist.  My preceptors were great role models, and the hands-on experience was invaluable.  Through this program, I not only gain a better understanding of the dental field, but I forged long lasting friendships with everyone I worked with.

Holly Hansen-2024


The opportunity to be involved in this summer program has reassured me into wanting to pursue the medical profession even more.  Dr. Locklear at Pembroke Optometric Clinic, her sister, and the rest of the staff has made me feel welcome since the first day and showed how much they cared for each other and the patients that went there as well.  I am forever grateful to HCAP and the opportunities that they provided since I have been at UNC Pembroke, and I hope to do the same one day.

Brianna Opoku-2024