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University leadership is monitoring Hurricane Helene's projected track. At this time, UNCP remains on a normal operating schedule.


How to Use Your Financial Aid to Charge Books at the Campus Bookstore

You don't get financial aid money until after the term starts. But you need books right away, right? Did you know there is a way to charge books at the bookstore!

If you have an excess (overage) in financial aid after all of your university charges are covered, you can request funds be sent to the bookstore for use when purchasing books and supplies for the term.

How Much Can I Charge?

Beginning Spring 2023, students can charge up to 75% of their available financial aid refund at the bookstore per semester. 

But be careful: the money comes out of your financial aid refund - it is not extra money on top of your refund.

Third party sponsors, the amount is $500 for books only and $50 for school supplies.

Who Can Charge Books?

  • You must be awarded financial aid for the semester.
  • You must accept your financial aid award.
  • You must complete Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN) if your accepted financial aid award includes student loans.
  • Your financial aid award amount must be greater than your total university charges.
  • You must be registered at least half-time (6 credits) in courses pertaining to your degree program in the semester you are purchasing textbooks.
  • You must authorize UNC Pembroke to use your excess financial aid funds toward bookstore charges (authorization remains through graduation if/or until the student removes authorization, see below).
  • Authorization for a current term does not imply your eligibility for a future term.  

Financial Aid Authorization Set-Up Instructions:

  1. Login to Braveweb
  2. Select Banner Self-Service
  3. Select Student and Financial Aid
  4. Select Financial Aid Authorization
  5. Select I agree

To Change/Reset Your Authorization:

Starting Fall 2013, once you have agreed to the authorization, it is valid through graduation. You do not have to authorize or reset again. If you previously did not agree to the authorization, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to BraveWeb
  2. Select Banner Self-Service
  3. Select Student and Financial Aid
  4. Select Financial Aid
  5. Select Financial Aid Authorization

When Can I Charge Books?

The specific charge dates for each term are published on the Financial Academic Calendar on the Student Accounts/Cashiers’ Office web site.

Fall 2024
First day to charge books in the Bookstore    08/05/2024
Last day to charge books in the Bookstore     08/23/2024

Spring 2025
First day to charge books in the Bookstore    TBD
Last day to charge books in the Bookstore     TBD

What Can I Purchase with A Bookstore Charge?

Beginning Spring 2023, as a student you can use up to 75% of your available financial aid refund at the bookstore per semester to purchase materials needed for classes. As well as any additional bookstore items. 

Review Bookstore Return Policy before making purchases. The bookstore has its own return policy, and should a student use all available charge monies on items other that books for courses, still need books/course materials/supplies and unable to return an item(s), you would need to pay for additional items yourself.

Third party sponsors, the amount is $500 for books only and $50 for school supplies.

Problems Charging Books?

Here are the most common things that will prevent you from charging books:

  • Not taking enough classes: You must be taking at least 6 credits to charge books. If you just registered, it takes about 24 hours to authorize bookstore charging.
  • Not enough money: Did you already charged up to your limit? If so, you have no remaining charge allowance.
  • No authorization: You have not set-up or authorized using the Financial Aid Authorization (see instructions above on this page)
  • Not maintaining eligibility: You have to be making satisfactory academic progress to charge books.
  • Past due charges: If you have past due charges with the school, you can't charge books.