Winter Weather Advisory

Based on the forecasted potential for inclement weather including freezing rain, the university will transition to Condition 1—Reduced Operations status at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025, and all evening classes beginning after 5 p.m. will transition to online learning. Read more >>


case management support
Advocacy at CARE Case Management

CARE case managers support students through challenges, connect them to appropriate campus and community resources, promote personal growth and empower achievement of desired goals. CARE case managers typically meet with a student several times in person and check-in via email or phone periodically throughout the academic year. In addition, CARE case managers may reach out to a specific student after receiving a CARE referral.

Care serving
Who do we serve?

CARE case managers serve students experiencing an issue or challenge affecting their well-being and ability to succeed. We can assist those referred via CARE referral or those who self-identify. Most often, we support students experiencing challenges related to: academics, physical, emotional and psychological wellness, adjustment to college life, resource insecurity, finances, accessibility and accommodations.

How does a case manager advocate?

Case managers help students cope with complex situations using creativity, compassion and culturally sensitive approaches. One way a case manager may help students is by helping identify barriers to academic and personal success, providing information about appropriate resources and services and collaborating to create a personalized plan of action based upon stated needs and goals. Case managers empower students to reach their academic potential and maximize positive outcomes.

What to Expect

Initial Meeting

Your initial appointment with a member of the CARE case management team may last approximately 30 minutes. Depending on the situation, we will explore concerns related to psychological, physical and emotional health, academic achievement and financial circumstances in an effort to identify areas of need and options for support. 

Follow-up or Check-in Appointments

Follow-up or check-in appointments are a way for you to remain connected with CARE to discuss your connection to resources, academic progress, and wellness goals. Follow-up appointments are often conducted in-person, however, you may also arrange to check-in by phone or email.

Available Services

Academic Support Services

  • Provide support when life challenges get in the way of educational performance and goals
  • Help communicate with faculty and staff during times of unexpected family or personal crisis
  • Improve study skills and connect with academic support systems 
  • Help navigate leave and readmission process if voluntary or medical withdrawal is required

Mental and Physical Wellness Services

  • Connect with support services such as the Counseling and Psychological Services Center and Campus Recreation
  • Provide support, referrals and care coordination during times of crisis
  • Provide support during periods of inpatient hospital treatment
  • Support navigation of on and off campus resources and services

Social, Family, Residential and College Adjustment Services 

  • Support social connection and sense of belonging
  • Create balance between work and life
  • Help discover strategies to foster wellness and success
  • Explore choices around alcohol and other drugs
  • Help families understand support resources available on and off campus

Financial Support Services

  • Connect with financial aid office to explore financial resources and support services
  • Connect with career center to explore employment opportunities

Accessibility and Accommodations

  • Connect with Accessibility and Resource Center (ARC) that provides, arranges, and coordinates accommodations for students in courses, programs, services, activities, and facilities
counseling and psychological services
How is case management different from working with the University Counseling and Psychological Services Center?

UNC Pembroke’s Counseling and Psychological Services Center (CAPS) provides ongoing therapy, skill building and consultation. While there is some overlap in consultation services, case management helps with short-term planning and coordination of care. CAPS is a confidential source: information remains with the student and CAPS. Case managers work as a private source: they are obligated to report known names and facts to Title IX coordinator. 

Is Case Management Confidential?

Case management is not therapy or counseling so the rules of confidentiality that might apply to medical or mental health treatment are not the same. With the exception of a crisis situation, the case manager shares information with campus colleagues about student behavior when there is a legitimate educational interest. It is important that students understand that CARE Team case managers are mandatory reporters. Therefore, if a student discusses a Title IX related matter or other abuse, the issue will be reported accordingly. 

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