Apply to Live on Campus

Housing Application


All applicants for housing at UNC Pembroke must have completed the admissions process and been accepted into the University in order to apply for campus housing. Applicants should understand that by entering into this housing agreement they are liable for the room and board charges for the full academic year (August-May).

To apply for campus housing, please go to and, using your BraveWeb credentials, log in and click on the Housing & Residence Life link to access eRezLife: UNCP's Housing Management Software.

Once there, you will:

    • Sign into eRezLife using your BraveWeb credentials (if prompted)
    • Click on Housing Overview
    • Apply for Housing

The housing application fee is $150. This is non-refundable and paid at the time of admission or can be deferred to your student account.

To view our current housing rates, click here.

You will be notified via email (at your BraveMail address) when we have received your application. Your assignment will be emailed to you during the first week in July. If you have any additional questions, you may contact us at 910.775.4253 or 910.521.6228. Or by email at

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