Winter Weather Advisory

Based on the forecasted potential for inclement weather including freezing rain, the university will transition to Condition 1—Reduced Operations status at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025, and all evening classes beginning after 5 p.m. will transition to online learning. Read more >>

Graduate Science Education

The Graduate Science Education program at UNCP, under the direction of Dr. Rita Hagevik,  offers a comprehensive science teaching degree at the initial level (MAT) or at the advanced level (MA). Students that are in the MA degree program can earn the community college credential in Biology or Chemistry. 

All Graduate Science Education programs are offered in the online format.

Interested in applying to Graduate School?  Click here for application instructions.

To learn more about the graduate science education program (MA or MAT programs in middle grades science & high school comprehensive science) click here.

Like us on Facebook: UNCP Graduate Science Education

Curriculum development for using the natural environment in your classroom and in teaching about sustainability:

Lesson plans and PowerPoints presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) conference held in Charlotte, North Carolina (2013)

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