Teaching with Mathematics Education (6-9, 9-12) Specialization, M.A.T.

Teaching with Mathematics Education 9-12 Specialization, M.A.T

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Possible degree paths to M.A.T in Mathematics (6-9, 9-12) 


Computer Science 




Master of Arts in Teaching with Specialization in Mathematics (6-9,9-12) 

Graduate coursework in the Residency Licensure Pathway meets the requirements for a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree pending approval from SACSOCS. 

Education Core  

9 hours* 

  • EDN 5040. Basics Tenets of Education (3 credits) 

  • EDN 5120. Advanced Study of Exceptional Children (3 credits)  

  • EDN 5450. Curriculum Design and Best Practices (3 credits)  

  • EDN 5460 Field Experience (0 credits) Required each semester. Assignments completed in coursework. 


6 hours 

  • MATE 5500 Curriculum Development & Evaluation in Math Ed  

  • MATE 5080 Technology in Math Ed 


12 hours 

  • MATH 5060 Statistics & Probability for the Secondary Math Teacher  

  • MATH 5210 Analysis I for Math Teachers  

  • MATH 5220 Analysis II for Math Teachers  

  • MATH 5110 Advanced Topics in Geometry 


3 hours 

  • MATH 5810 

*Candidates with an admission GPA below 2.7 will be admitted provisionally and required to also take EDN 5470 Advanced Classroom Management for a total of 12 hours in the Education Core with a 3.0 GPA 

Residency candidate transcripts will be reviewed by program area faculty and they will determine if any additional coursework is needed for the licensure process. Provisional coursework in Math could include: college algebra, calculus 1 & 2, introduction to proofs, advanced math, Euclidean geometry, probability & statistics, discrete math, linear algebra, differential equations, real analysis. 

Course Descriptions


Education Core

EDN 5040 - Basic Tenets of Education ( 3 credits)

This course is a graduate-level introduction to the foundational fields of education: philosophy and psychology, with an emphasis on the development of an appreciation for the role and responsibility of the teacher as the instructional leader in the educational community. COREQ: EDN 5460 Field Experience required COREQ: EDN 5460

EDN 5120 - Advanced Studies of Exceptional Children (3 credits)

This course is a graduate-level introduction to the areas of focus addressed within the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This course familiarizes students with the practices, philosophies, roles, and responsibilities of educators working with a diverse population of students. Field experience required. COREQ: EDN 5460

EDN 5450 - Introduction to Curriculum Design and Best Practices (3 credits)

This course examines curriculum design and research-based practices in lesson design and instructional practices, including backward design, instructional strategies such as differentiated instruction and formative and summative assessment.  COREQ:EDN 5460 Field experience required.

EDN 5460 - Field Experience (0 credits)

The student will participate in field experiences that support the practical application of theoretical constructs including activities completed outside of the college classroom connecting to course content, assignments and assessments. Students will actively engage with clinical teachers and students to broaden their knowledge bases and engage in school-based professional activities and may include observation, co-teaching and working with students in supervised settings. (Course may be repeated.) 


Mathematics Pedagogy

MATE 5500 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Mathematics Education (3 credits)

A critical study of current issues, trends, and the design and evaluation of curriculum in mathematics education. Students will develop, use, and evaluate a teaching unit as a major part of the work in this course. Required of all master’s candidates in mathematics education.

MATH 5080 - Technology in Mathematics Education (3 credits)

An inservice course in the comparison and evaluation of computer hardware configurations and computer software packages for the classroom. The mechanics of setting up a computer network. A consideration of the effect that computers in the classroom have on curriculum development. A laboratory experience will be an integral part of the course.


Mathematics Content

MATH 5060 - Probability and Statistics for the Secondary Mathematics Teacher (3 credits)

The emphasis of this course will be on understanding various statistical concepts and techniques including measures of central tendency, correlation coefficients, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, and inferential statistics. The fundamentals of probability that will be discussed include univariate and multivariate distributions, expectation, conditional distributions, and the law of large numbers.

MATH 5110 - Advanced Topics in Geometry (3 credits)

Topics chosen to improve the secondary mathematics teacher’s mastery, breadth of knowledge, and appreciation of classical geometry. Content variable, but chosen to minimize duplication with recent and current MAT 4110 classes.

MATH 5210 - Analysis I for Mathematics Teachers (3 credits)

A brief survey of the principal ideas and techniques of Calculus. Intended as a refresher course for high school teachers who feel the need for an understanding of Calculus in order to prepare their students for college work.

MATH 5220 - Analysis II for Mathematics Teachers (3 credits)

A continuation of MATH 5210. This course continues developing the principal ideas and techniques of Calculus. Advanced topics covered may include selected topics from the real number system involving open and closed sets, covering properties, Borel sets. Additional topics: measurable sets and measurable functions, Lebesque measure and integration, and LP spaces.



MAT 5810 - Internship in Secondary Mathematics (3 credits)

Culminating clinical practice for Math Education initial teacher licensure. Course requirements include completion of program and licensure requirements, including full-time pre-service student internship or in-service teaching in a public-school setting in the licensure area.

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