Winter Weather Advisory

UPDATED: 1/20/25 at 8:30 p.m. UNCP administrators are closely monitoring updates from the National Weather Service about a cold front arriving tomorrow, Jan. 21. Forecasts predict temperatures in the teens and frigid wind chills, with little to no wintry precipitation expected in our area. At this time, the university plans to operate on a normal schedule. For updates, visit Students, faculty and staff please check your campus email.

MSC Courses

Basic Courses

MSC 1010. Leadership and Personal Development

MSL 1010 introduces cadets to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Cadets learn how the personal development of life skills such as goal setting, time management, physical fitness, and stress management relate to leadership, officership, and the Army profession. Focus is placed on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army Leadership Dimensions while gaining a big picture understanding of the ROTC program, its purpose in the Army, and its advantages for the student.

MSC 1020. Introduction to Tactical Leadership

MSL 1020 overviews leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills. Cadets explore dimensions of leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises. Continued emphasis is placed on recruitment and retention of cadets. Cadre role models and the building of stronger relationships among the cadets through common experience and practical interaction are critical aspects of the MSL 1020 experience.

MSC 1800. Military Physical Training (PED 1800)

Taught by a military instructor.

MSC 2010. Foundations of Tactical Leadership

MSL 2010 explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by studying historical case studies and engaging in interactive student exercises. Cadets practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises. Focus is on continued development of the knowledge of leadership values and attributes through an understanding of rank, uniform, customs, and courtesies. Leadership case studies provide tangible context for learning the Soldier’s Creed and Warrior Ethos.

MSC 2020. Foundations of Leadership

MSL 2020 examines the challenges of leading in complex contemporary operational environments. Dimensions of the cross-cultural challenges of leadership in a constantly changing world are highlighted and applied to practical Army leadership tasks and situations. Provides a smooth transition into MSL 3010. Cadets develop greater self-awareness as they practice communication and team building skills. COE case studies give insight into the importance and practice of teamwork and tactics in real world scenarios.

Advanced Courses (You Must Be Contracted to Attend)

MSC 3010. Adaptive Team Leadership

MSL 3010 challenges cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with the demands of the ROTC Leader Development Assessment Course (LDAC). Challenging scenarios related to small unit tactical operations are used to develop self-awareness and critical thinking skills. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership abilities. Cadets begin to analyze and evaluate their own leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions. Primary attention is given to preparation for LDAC and the development of leadership qualities.

MSC 3020. Applied Team Leadership

MSL 3020 uses increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build cadet awareness and skills in leading small units. Skills in decision-making, persuading, and motivating team members when “under-fire” are explored, evaluated, and developed. Aspects of military operations are reviewed as a means of preparing for the ROTC Leader Development Assessment Course (LDAC). Cadets are expected to apply basic principles of the Law of Land Warfare, Army training, and motivation to troop leading procedures. Emphasis is also placed on conducting military briefings and developing proficiency in Garrison operations orders. MSL 3020 cadets are evaluated on what they know and do as leaders.

MSC 4010. Adaptive Leadership

MSL 4010 develops cadet proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing leadership performance feedback to subordinates. Cadets are given situational opportunities to assess risk, make ethical decisions, and provide coaching to fellow ROTC cadets. Cadets are challenged to analyze, evaluate, and instruct younger cadets. Both their classroom and battalion leadership experiences are designed to prepare them for their first unit of assignment. Cadets identify responsibilities of key staff, coordinate staff roles and use situational opportunities to teach, train, and develop subordinates.

MSC 4020. Leadership in a Complex World

MSL 4020 explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations. Cadets examine difference in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. Aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host nation support are examined and evaluated. Significant emphasis is placed on preparing cadets for their first unit of assignment. Case studies, scenarios, and “What Now, Lieutenant?” exercises are used to prepare cadets to face complex ethical and practical demands of leading as commissioned officers in the United States Army.

MSC 4210. The American Military Experience (HST 4O60)

A survey of American Military History concentrating on the major factors and events which have influenced US foreign policy during periods of war and peace.