Emergency Management

Concentration in Emergency Management (Choose 12 Hours)

Emergency Management is a complex, multidisciplinary array of critical planning and implementation activities that are directly related to the roles that administrators and public managers play in preparing for, responding to, recovering from, and mitigating the impacts of the risks and vulnerabilities associated with natural and manmade disasters. In the context of an all hazards approach, this concentration is designed to enhance the planning capabilities for those directly involved in emergency management responsibilities as well as for all public administration professionals who play a role in the building of sustainable hazard resilient communities.

Required Courses (3 Hours)

  • EMG 5150 Introduction to Emergency Management

Elective Courses (9 Hours) - Choose Three of the Following:

  • EMG 5160 Sustainability and Hazard Resilience
  • EMG 5170 Crisis Leadership and Sustainability
  • EMG 5180 Social Equity in Emergency Management
  • EMG 5190 Technological Applications in Emergency Management
  • EMG 5800 Disaster Recovery and Sustainability
  • EMGS 5900 Special Topics in Emergency Management (1-3) Hours
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