Scholarships & Awards

Eagle Claw Service Club Scholarship

This non-endowed scholarship was established in 2000 by inmates at Robeson Correctional Institute who wish to provide financial assistance to students in the Criminal Justice curriculum at UNCP. Students receiving this award will demonstrate financial need, declare a Criminal Justice major, maintain the minimum university QPA and be enrolled full time. The scholarship is renewable and may be awarded in any year of study. The award will occur in the fall of each year provided funds remain available.

North Carolina Sheriff’s Association Undergraduate Criminal Justice Scholarship*

A Criminal Justice Scholarship will be awarded annually to a North Carolina resident undergraduate who is majoring in criminal justice. Recipients are chosen on the basis of academic standing and financial need. First preference is given to a son or daughter of any law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty. Second preference is given to a son or daughter of any sheriff of deputy sheriff who is deceased, retired (regular or disability) or is currently active in North Carolina law enforcement. Third preference is given to any criminal justice student meeting the academic and financial need criteria. Awards are renewable and stipend may vary annually.

Arthur Wendell “A.W.” Oxendine Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Arthur Wendell “A.W.” Oxendine, a ten year veteran of the Robeson County Sheriff ’s Department and a thirteen year veteran of the Scotland County Sheriff ’s Department died in the line of duty in 1993 as a result of injuries sustained in a hit-and-run traffic collision. The annual scholarship is given in his memory to assist a student majoring in the field of Criminal Justice who demonstrates qualities of honesty and leadership and who has met the academic requirements of the University.



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